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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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East Suffolk District Council: Supporting chief executives in NOC change of control councils

East Suffolk Council is a non-metropolitan district in Suffolk County with a population of 246,000 at 2021 census. In 2023 the council moved to NOC in the four yearly elections.

Melton Borough Council: Supporting chief executives in NOC change of control councils

Melton Borough Council is a Leicestershire district in the East Midlands. In May 2023, the local election resulted in a position of no overall control.

Bromsgrove District Council: Supporting chief executives in NOC change of control councils

Bromsgrove District Council is a Worcestershire district in the West Midlands. In May 2023 the council moved to NOC with control being held by a joint administration of Conservatives and Independents.

Staffordshire County Council – Information governance

This case study highlights the work that Staffordshire County Council has undertaken to develop more effective information governance within their authority through the development of a corporate file plan and implementation of an electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) using Microsoft 365, and SharePoint.

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Youth Spaces and Early Help in Waltham Forest

Waltham Forest Council has established a dynamic, youth-focused initiative to provide young people (aged 11-25) with free, accessible spaces and activities that address not only crime prevention but also broader issues such as poverty, anti-social behaviour (ASB), and mental health.

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Testing the Miyawaki method in our urban greenspaces through the Trees Outside Woodland project

The £4.8 million, five-year Trees Outside Woodland project is funded by HM Government’s Shared Outcomes Fund, and delivered in partnership with The Tree Council, Natural England, Defra, and five local authorities.

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Carbon counting in Darlington

Grass verges, open land, woodland and individual trees have all been counted in an independent audit commissioned by Darlington Borough Council.

Cheshire and Merseyside: tackling health inequalities across a region

For Cheshire and Merseyside, as with many Marmot Places, the COVID-19 pandemic sparked collective action across the region’s nine local authorities to address and tackle existing and deepening health inequalities.

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Building back fairer: Manchester’s marmot approach

In 2019, the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, already conscious of the persisting health inequalities across its region, commissioned the UCL Institute of Health Equity (IHE) to help establish a Marmot City Region, focussing on reducing health inequalities in the social determinants of health.

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Coventry City Council: over a decade of commitment to the Marmot principles

Coventry became the first ‘Marmot City’ in 2013 after approaching the UCL Institute of Health Equity for support in reducing health inequalities in the city.

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