Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Case study 6: East Riding of Yorkshire

Interviews with Tina Holtby, Licensing Manager and Jemma Dann, Food Standards Officer

Case study 5: Newham Healthworks

Interview with Steve Miller, Head of Public Protection, London Borough of Newham.

Case study 2: Metropolitan Borough Council

Interview with Adrian Watson - former Chief Environmental Health and Licensing Officer, currently on secondment to a joint post between Environmental Health [within Planning and Regulation services] and the council's Performance and Development service.

case study - Working with business to improve the health of our communities: case studies

This resource describes how public health in a number of councils has started to use the opportunities of a local government setting to improve health and wellbeing. The

Case Study - Working Together - Surrey and Sussex Emergency Services Collaboration Programme.

Working Together - Surrey and Sussex Emergency Services Collaboration Programme.

Case study - Working to support positive parenting and relationships. What can councils do?

Over the years, councils have focused primarily on helping children. That is clearly still important, but now it's time to do more to help parents as well.

Case study - West Sussex Matters

West Sussex County Council launched a social media campaign to showcase the work and services it provides. The 70-day #WestSussexMatters campaign has seen infographics posted on Twitter and Facebook, highlighting the ways in which the authority works to deliver key services.

Case study - Think autism

The LGA has launched a series of case studies that illustrate the positive work councils are undertaking with their local partners to support people living with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) in their communities.

Case study - The Young Workers Scheme.

Providing local young people with skills to help them gain future employment. One of the unexpected benefits from this scheme has been a reduction in the use of temporary staff, with tens of thousands saved each year.