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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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West Berkshire Council: Development of generative AI tools

West Berkshire Council are experimenting with the use of generative AI within services.

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Birmingham City Council: the Foundry

Birmingham City Council established the ‘Foundry’ to accelerate digital transformation and help the council close its budget gap whilst building digital skills and capability. 

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Warwickshire County Council: “Access to Food” – exploring LLMs for citizen needs

Warwickshire County Council's Access to Food project uses large language models to understand citizens' access to healthy food options.

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Barnsley Council: Pioneering use of Microsoft Copilot

Barnsley Council, through a strategic partnership with Microsoft, have implemented Microsoft Copilot on a large scale.

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Buckinghamshire Council: Early adoption of Microsoft Copilot

This case study explores Buckinghamshire's journey with Copilot, highlighting the positive outcomes, challenges encountered, and lessons learned.

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Implementing digital social care records: Case studies

These four case studies identify how barriers can be broken down by addressing cultural expectations and outcomes in systems, by focusing on partnerships, including strong delivery partnerships, by focusing on standards and expectations and by focusing on relationships that make everybody feel a part of something.

Hertfordshire County Council's assistive technology offer, Data Inspired Living, wins LGC award for Innovation

Data Inspired Living uses sensors placed in the home to build a picture of someone’s normal routine. If the sensors detect anything abnormal, an alert can be raised and investigated, allowing people to stay in their own homes and retain independence but still have support when needed.

Safer Cyber – Tackling online harms in Durham

Faced with an increase in online crime and harm across a range of themes including extremism, the Safe Durham Partnership chose to adopt ‘Tackling and Preventing Cyber Enabled Crime’ as one of their six partnership priorities.

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Digital Discharge to Assess

The aims of the SCDIA Digital Discharge to Assess project were to develop a cloud-based case management system that did not depend on a single IT partner or supplier; allow users (with appropriate permissions) to capture, update, track, and report on data about a person’s journey through the Discharge to Assess process; create a ‘single version of the truth’, with a raft of associated patient benefits and service efficiencies.

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