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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Your search returned 486 results

Testing the Miyawaki method in our urban greenspaces through the Trees Outside Woodland project

The £4.8 million, five-year Trees Outside Woodland project is funded by HM Government’s Shared Outcomes Fund, and delivered in partnership with The Tree Council, Natural England, Defra, and five local authorities.

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Coventry City Council: over a decade of commitment to the Marmot principles

Coventry became the first ‘Marmot City’ in 2013 after approaching the UCL Institute of Health Equity for support in reducing health inequalities in the city.

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Oxfordshire County Council: tackling hidden inequalities

Every Marmot Place is different. Factors such as geography, demography or the economy impact on the social determinants of health and in turn the local population.

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Luton Borough Council: reducing health inequalities in the first Marmot Town

Luton, a town with a population of 225,300, is a diverse community where 55 per cent of residents come from ethnic minority backgrounds.

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North Yorkshire Council: Using AI to reimagine Children’s Social Care

North Yorkshire Council's successful proof-of-concept has positioned it at the forefront of AI-powered solutions for children's social care.

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Hertfordshire County Council: AI road maintenance robot

Hertfordshire County Council, technology company Robotiz3d and academics at the University of Liverpool have successfully developed an innovative AI-powered solution for road maintenance.

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Brighton and Hove’s integrated approach to supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

Brighton and Hove Council employs a multi-agency, stepped care approach to support children and young people’s mental health. These services are embedded in every secondary school, extend to primary schools and colleges, and offer a range of interventions to support mental health at all levels.

Youth-Led Solutions: Cllr Claire Mascarenhas and St Neots' Mental Health Initiative

In response to rising mental health concerns and a lack of facilities for young people in St Neots, Cllr Claire Mascarenhas spearheaded a community-driven initiative. This included hiring a dedicated Youth Worker, involving young people in the recruitment process, and securing additional funding to further support local youth mental health needs.

Tandridge District Council: Bucking the trend

How a Surrey council turned itself around with a transformation programme taking it from the brink of bankruptcy four years ago to being confident in its financial position.

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Sutton Council: Universal parenting service

Sutton’s family hubs have a universal parenting service that has been developed for parents by parents. The programmes are facilitated by trained parent group leaders and have been incorporated into the wider parenting support offer of the family hubs.

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