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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Your search returned 38 results

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council: Developing an attempted suicide follow-up service

The Psychosocial Engagement Team service was developed as a six-month pilot project, where referrals were made by A&E mental health liaison teams into a six to eight week programme focused on problem-solving and support. In six months, 100 referrals were made, with 85 per cent engagement. The pilot has been evaluated and embedded into the mental health pathway. This case study was done jointly with the National Suicide Prevention Alliance and forms part of our suicide prevention resource.

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Bournemouth: A multi-agency response to railway-related deaths

In Bournemouth, a cluster of suicides linked to the railways led to targeted action by public health, council, transport and community partners. The response included a strong focus on communications, helping to change how the local media reports on suicide and mental health.

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Calderdale: making the most of the local community

Calderdale Council has set up a programme to tackle loneliness that is based in local communities – there are separate locality teams. Workers are employed to support local activities and groups and connect people referred into the programme with opportunities that suit them. One of the major strengths of the programme is that it is driven by local people who know their communities the best.

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Cambridge: how a café is helping people to recover from substance misuse

The Edge Café in Cambridge provides support to people recovering from substance misuse and those with mental health problems by running recovery groups and providing opportunities for volunteering.

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Camden and Islington: A psychotherapy service for care-experienced young adults

The two London boroughs of Camden and Islington have used some of their suicide prevention funding to provide a dedicated psychotherapy service for young adults leaving care. Tailored support is delivered in community settings through a local voluntary sector partner, the Brandon Centre.

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Camden: inspiring transitional care for young people

Camden has developed Minding the Gap, delivered by a partnership between the council, the CCG and the voluntary sector, to improve the mental health of young people aged 16-24.

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Champs public health collaborative working with the media: World Suicide Prevention Day workshop

Working across nine councils and with Samaritans to improve media reporting through hosting a high profile suicide prevention event. Council collaborative comprised of the nine councils across Cheshire and Merseyside: Sefton, Knowsley, St Helens, Liverpool, Wirral, Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Chester, Halton and Warrington councils. This case study was done jointly with the National Suicide Prevention Alliance and forms part of our suicide prevention resource.

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Community-based mental health and suicide prevention interventions for men – learnings and evidence from Cheshire and Merseyside

Like many areas, reaching and engaging middle aged men in suicide prevention activities is an important objective for the Champs Public Health Collaborative. The Collaborative commissioned Everton in the Community and Edge Hill University to conduct an evaluation of funded projects and a rapid evidence review of the effectiveness of these interventions. This case study was done jointly with the National Suicide Prevention Alliance and forms part of our suicide prevention resource.

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Devon County Council - Access to means: Devon Bridges

Using engineering and designing infrastructure as way to prevent suicide. This case study was done jointly with the National Suicide Prevention Alliance and forms part of our suicide prevention resource.

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East Sussex County Council access to means: a design-led approach

Bringing together a large and diverse group of stakeholders to understand the challenges posed by their particular site and draw up a community action plan. This case study was done jointly with the National Suicide Prevention Alliance and forms part of our suicide prevention resource.

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