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Funding and support against hate crime

Hate crimes are crimes that are motivated by hostility on the grounds of race, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.

They target an intrinsic part of the victim's identity and have no place in our society. Providing funding for projects which prevent hate crime is one of the actions included  in the UK government's hate crime action plan.

About the fund

The aim of the fund is to work with affected communities to develop a range of pilot projects to tackle hate crime, by funding the development of innovative projects that support the delivery of the five key aims of the UK Government's plan for tackling hate crime. 

The five key aims are:

1.         Preventing hate crime 
2.         Responding to hate crime in our communities 
3.         Increasing the reporting of hate crime 
4.         Improving support for the victims of hate crime 
5.         Building our understanding of hate crime 

The fund allows organisations to support our ambitious programme and to bid for grant funding for specific programmes that help to deliver some of the objectives set out in the Hate Crime Action Plan. Applications for funding will close on 14 October 2016.

The Home Office is seeking to fund projects at two levels of either £25,000 or £50,000. 

What are we looking for?

We are looking for motivated and creative community groups or consortia to develop innovative programmes that help to tackle hate crime and issues associated with hate crime. Your programme development must involve stakeholders who are affected by, or are past or potential perpetrators of hate crime. 

To find out more please see guidance on Preventing hate crime: funding for community projects or e-mail [email protected]