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We have developed a new National Procurement Strategy for Social Care services and a range of tools for use by local authorities. These will reflect the intent of the Care Act 2014, the Children and Families Act 2014 and Integrated Commissioning for Better Outcomes. The Strategy and tools will give procurement officers and commissioners ways to develop integrated commissioning and to develop provider markets in their area.
These products were developed by Finding Common Purpose, which was a Department of Health funded project delivered through the Winterbourne View Joint Improvement Programme. We have undertaken extensive engagement on each of the resources below with procurement, services, providers, commissioners, legal services and Monitor.
Procurement tools
National Social Care Category Strategy
Our social care category strategy was launched in October 2015. The focus of the strategy is to establish guidance in key areas and act as a conduit for sharing best practice.
National Social Care Category Strategy
Model Standing orders for Social Care
To reflect the complexities and unique nature of social care procurement these model standing orders were drafted by Anthony Collins Solicitors on behalf of the LGA. The documents reflect best practice in social care procurement and are intended as a baseline template for independent standing orders for both adult and children's services.
Councils are encouraged to adapt these documents to reflect local circumstances:
Model standing orders for adult services
Model standing orders for children's services
Provider protocol
As identified in the National Social Care Category Strategy building strong relationships with social care providers is an important facet of good social care procurement, not least because it is a crucial factor in fostering innovation. The LGA has developed a Provider Protocol setting out good practice in commissioning relationships with providers to provide assurance to both parties.
Myths about care procurement
A resource to share with stakeholders which is designed to promote a better understanding of the powers and restrictions of procurement.