Information for peers

This page provides useful and important information for peers, including links to key documents that explain and support the work of officer and member peers.

Peer induction pack

We recognise that acting as a peer for one of our sector-led improvement projects for the first time can generate an array of questions and concerns for the new officer and member peer.  While the best source of information will be the LGA officer assigned to manage the project you are involved in, our Peer Induction Pack is an additional resource to cover the basics of being an LGA peer.

The Peer Charter

We value the important and vital contribution peers make to sector-led improvement. Peers volunteer their time to provide a ‘practitioner perspective' and ‘critical friend' challenge to help organisations and their people learn and improve. To help maximise this experience, the Peer Charter clarifies some of the key expectations and requirements of being a peer.

Peer terms and conditions

The terms and conditions detail the contractual obligations of peers. They include the terms and conditions we expect peers to work in accordance with when working on a peer project.

Whistleblowing policy

The LGA aims to provide a safe and effective working environment, which enables individuals to raise genuine concerns about malpractice or unlawful conduct in the workplace. The LGA whistleblowing policy is intended to empower employees to disclose serious wrongdoing or unlawful conduct without fear of victimisation.

LGA data protection policy

The LGA need to collect and use certain types of information about people with whom it deals in order to in order to carry out its everyday business and fulfil its constitutional functions and objectives. The LGA data protection policy covers current past and prospective staff and officers, members of local authorities, suppliers, clients, customers and others with whom it communicates and may also hold information on other persons it deals with in the conduct of its activities. 

An introduction to the peer challenge process and the role of peers

Our introduction to the peer challenge process and the role of peers is aimed at supporting new LGA peers to be ready and confident to be part of an LGA peer challenge team. It provides an overview of the role of peers in delivering peer challenges as part of our sector support offer, and raises awareness and understanding of the expectations and responsibilities of being an LGA peer.

Councillor mentoring handbook

The Councillor Mentoring Handbook is designed support member peers who have been asked to undertake mentoring assignments to support fellow councillors. The handbook and associated forms provide a useful framework for mentors to use, and links to other resources that may also be helpful. The councillor mentoring forms are designed to be downloaded and printed out to use for each mentoring assignment, by both mentor and mentee. 

For more information, please contact:

Gary Hughes, Principal Adviser
07771 941337
[email protected]

Cindy Lowthian, Senior Regional Adviser 
[email protected] 

Alison Gover, Peer Placement Co-ordinator
020 76643021
[email protected]


This page was last updated on 08 December 2023.