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Case studies relating to people with a learning disability and autistic people.

Case studies from the Care and Health Improvement Programme's new Supporting adults with a learning disability to have better lives outcomes and improvement framework.
London Borough of Bromley: All-Age Autism Board
North Somerset: Respite service promoting independence for people with learning disabilities
Inclusion Gloucestershire quality checking experts by experience
Citizen Checkers – lived experience leadership across Cornwall
Enabling people with a learning disability and autistic people to develop friendships
Safe Soulmates: a friendship organisation for adults who have additional needs
Gig Buddies: for adults with a learning disability and volunteers
Lives Through Friends practice: assisting people who need social care support to self-direct
Cornwall - discharge planning
What Good Looks Like (Building the Right Support Board Advisory Group report) case studies and report
The case studies from the co-produced report commissioned from the Building the Right Support (BTRS) Advisory Group, as part of the wider action plan developed by the Building the Right Support Delivery Board. It has been supported by Partners in Care and Health.
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Inclusive entry-level positions
Read the case studies from a Partners in Care and Health report about Bespoke support for people with learning disabilities and autism. The report and case studies explores new, current, and emerging models of support for autistic people and people with a learning disability to assess their efficiency and effectiveness in meeting peoples aspirations, the impact on outcomes, drawing on care and support which upholds human rights, enables citizenship and empowers people to have choice and control over their lives.
LeDeR Managing Deterioration Programme
'Good Health, Good Lives' for people with a learning disability
Sheffield Museums
The Professors: performing arts company in Sheffield
Sheffield Museum's volunteering programme
Cumbria County Council
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Coproducing and All-Age Autism Strategy
Derbyshire County Council
Meaningful Co-Production and Engagement across Derby/Derbyshire
Leicester City Council
Every Voice Counts: Autism Co-Production Good Practice – Post- Diagnostic Support
Plymouth City Council
Somerset Strategic Housing Group
Better futures for vulnerable people
Suffolk County Council
Derbyshire County Council
Derbyshire autism information and advice service
Camden Council
Avoiding preventable physical health admissions for people with learning disabilities Helping people with daily travel with digital maps
Giving adults with learning disabilities more independence through online resources
Bradford Council
Upholding Human Rights: Promoting the vote for adults with learning disabilities.
Cambridgeshire County Council
Darlington Council
Darlington Council's Learning Disability Services
Hammersmith & Fulham Council
Transitions in Hammersmith and Fulham: The “Preparing for Adulthood” Team
Lancashire County Council
Leeds City Council
Braintree District Council
Thinking Differently: supporting an councillor who is autistic
Nottingham City Council
Exploring an outcome-based model for services with adults learning disabilities
Birmingham City Council
Reshaping the market for extra care sheltered housing and supported living
Essex County Council
Think autism (LGA publication)
Examples of how local councils support people with autistic spectrum conditions
Gloucestershire County Council
Productivity Expert Learning disabilities
Lancashire County Council, Blackburn with Darwen Unitary Council, Blackpool Unitary Council, and South Cumbria County Council
Pan-Lancashire TCP: Supported Living Framework
Coventry City Council, Solihull Borough Council, Warwickshire County Council
Arden and Solihull TCP: a framework for procuring community supported living