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Support for Health and Wellbeing Systems

Following the national COVID-19 health emergency and its widespread and far reaching impact across communities, we are refocusing the proposed improvement support for health and wellbeing systems as we now move into the next phases across summer and autumn.

Partners in Care and Health banner

HWB Chairs touch base debrief (pdf): Moving into the next phase of COVID-19 In the week of 11 May, we undertook some rapid research with a sample of 15 HWB Chairs from around the country. The report from this rapid review will inform the development of our improvement offer and is also a valuable commentary on the evolving nature of the HWB as they review and re-assert their system leadership role during the COVID-19 pandemic.

HWB reset tool

We have developed this simple tool to support HWB Chairs move into the next stage of COVID-19. Please adapt it to your local circumstances over the forthcoming period.

Health and Wellbeing Boards reset tool

We are able to offer free bespoke support to your HWB in this reset phase through virtual channels. This support can be very flexible ranging from a telephone call to talk through issues and planning a meeting to a virtually facilitated workshop to help reset the HWB.

We welcome feedback on using this tool and would also like the opportunity to observe a HWB in action in this phase.

Tailored support

We are able to provide completely tailored support for taking stock after your local COVID-19 experience, shaping out the role of the HWB going forward or if your area has a specific issue around health and wellbeing, public health, prevention and health inequalities. We would work with the senior leadership team in an area to scope what we can offer. Currently we are able to offer virtual support only and can design a workshop using video-conferencing technology.

For further information and support please contact