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Transformation and Behaviour Change Leads group

Join our Transformation and Behaviour Change Leads group – a network of council officers working in behaviour change who meet to discuss developments in the transformation and behavioural insights landscape. Learn new techniques, network, and hear from guest speakers about new trials, results, and notable practice.

Who we are

Our Transformation and Behaviour Change Leads group supports officers who are working on behavioural change projects, with subjects ranging from public health to climate, environment, and waste to name a few.

What we do

Across the country, behavioural insights have been used across public services to generate low-cost interventions to improve service outcomes. The approach is based on the idea that interventions aimed at encouraging people to make better choices for themselves, and society will be more successful if they are based on insights from behavioural science.

The group provides councils with the space to share support, opportunities, and notable practice within the transformation and behavioural insights agenda. 

The secretariat function is held by the LGA and the network is led by Chair Michelle Constable, Head of Behaviour Change Unit, Hertfordshire County Council.

Several subgroups have been set up by council officers, including:

Climate emergency subgroup

Co-chair: Laura Taylor, Environmental Engagement and Behaviour Change Manager, Kent County Council

Co-chair: Jonathan Baker, Insight and Engagement Unit, Hampshire County Council

Measuring impact subgroup

Co-chair: Michelle Constable, Head of Behaviour Change Unit, Hertfordshire County Council

Co-chair: Lucy Gate, Public Health Principal, Surrey County Council

Get involved

The group is open to new members who work in relevant officer roles for a local authority. If you would like to join, please submit an expression of interest form. If accepted, you will be added to the membership list and invited to all future meetings.

If you would like to find out more about our Transformation and Behaviour Change Leads group, please email [email protected]