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We provide the Secretariat to the Employers' Side of the Joint Negotiating Committee for Coroners.

The JNC has 14 members:

  • Employers' Side: Local Government Association – 7 members
  • Employees' Side: the Coroners Association – 7 members.

Queries relating to coroner pay issues should be referred to [email protected]

Latest news

19 December 2024

JNC coroners’ circular no 69 - Coroners’ pay 2024/25 - agreement reached.

11 June 2024

JNC for Coroners’ management side final offer to coroners pay 2024/25

5 June 2023

JNC Coroners’ circular no 68 - Coroners’ pay 2023/24

26 August 2022

JNC for coroners – Management side circular 26 August 2022

10 August 2021

Agreement has been reached on the pay award for 2021/22. Circular 66 provides further information and revised salaries and pay rates effective from 1 April 2021.

JNC for coroners' 66 pay agreement 2021-22

2 August 2021

JNC for coroners’ management side letter - coroner pay offer 30 July 2021

JNC for coroners’ joint circular 65 - coroner's pay 2021-22

January 2021

Circular 64 sets out the constitution applying to the JNC for Coroners which has been updated in line with the 2018 national review of coroners’ pay.

Coroners circular no. 64 - constitution

Coroners’ pay agreement 2018/2020

You will be aware that JNC Circular 62 indicated that pay ranges would be reviewed in autumn 2018 with a view that any agreed changes would be implemented from 1 April 2019.

That review has now taken place and the JNC has reached the following agreement to apply a 2.0 per cent uplift on ranges and rates with effect from 1 April 2019 and 1 April 2020 respectively.

Coroners circular no. 63 - coroners’ pay agreement 2018/2020

Management side survey 2018

You will recall that the LGA conducted a management side survey on coroners’ pay in August 2018, following the latest national agreement on coroners’ pay outlined in JNC circular 62 dated 8 January 2018. Thank you to all those authorities who participated in the survey and who provided information on their local reviews. For those authorities who did not participate, we hope that the information within the attached report will encourage you to participate in any future collection of data as the higher the response rate the more valuable a tool it is for councils to refer to when considering and conducting local implementation.

Management side survey of the pay of coroner roles report 2018

8 January 2018

The joint secretaries of the JNC for Coroners have issued joint circular no. 62 to local authorities to advise them of JNC guidance on the matter of coroner pay.

The pay framework set out in Circular 61 was agreed following consideration of the independent job evaluation report produced by the Korn Ferry Hay Group.

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