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Coroners' circulars

Circulars issued by the Joint Negotiating Committee for Coroners (JNC)

Please note that there are some gaps in the numbering of circulars. Those gaps relate to circulars that have been overtaken entirely by subsequent communications.

You will be aware that JNC Circular 62 indicated that pay ranges would be reviewed in autumn 2018 with a view that any agreed changes would be implemented from 1 April 2019.

That review has now taken place and the JNC has reached the following agreement to apply a 2.0 per cent uplift on ranges and rates with effect from 1 April 2019 and 1 April 2020 respectively.

Joint circular no. 62 - 8 January 2018
The joint secretaries of the JNC for Coroners have issued joint circular no. 62 to local authorities to advise them of JNC guidance on the agreement reached on the matter of coroner pay.

Joint circular no. 61 - 2 November 2017
The joint secretaries of the JNC for Coroners have issued joint circular no. 61 to local authorities to advise them of JNC agreement in principle on the matter of coroner pay.

Joint circular no. 60 - 28 September 2017
The joint secretaries of the JNC for Coroners issued joint circular no. 60 which was an update on the progress of the job evaluation exercise.

2 December 2016
The Management Side of the JNC has issued the report of an LGA Pay and Numbers Survey 2016 on the pay of coroners.

Joint circular no. 58 - 28 November 2016
The joint secretaries of the JNC for Coroners have issued joint circular no. 58 to local authorities to inform them of a jointly commissioned JE exercise for coroners.

30 September 2016
The Management Side of the JNC has written to local authorities providing an update on the current position in respect of pay for coroners. Coroners pay update 30 September 2016.

22 January 2016
The Management Side of the JNC has written to local authorities providing an update on the current position in respect of pay for coroners. Read also the coroners pay letter from LGA to Secretary of State for Justice.

Joint circular no. 55 - pay and training, 30 July 2012
The Coroners Society has raised concerns with the management side that part-time coroners and some deputy and assistant deputy coroners are not recompensed for their attendance at training courses.

Joint circular no. 43 - pay of whole-time and part-time coroners, 8 August 2001 - also includes consolidated document which is currently being reviewed (March 2018)