Teachers in residential establishments

We act as the Secretariat for the Employers' Side of the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Teachers in Residential Establishments. This was established to provide voluntary collective bargaining machinery for teachers in two different types of residential establishment: residential special schools and social service establishments.

Since 1986, teachers in social service establishments – such as former approved schools, former remand homes and assessment centres have had the same salary rates and general grading structure as schoolteachers in mainstream schools. This reflects the reality of recruiting from the mainstream into something of a very specialist role for schoolteachers.

Negotiations under the JNC cover all aspects of pay for teachers in social service establishments but only deal with residential allowances for teachers in residential special schools. This is because teachers in social service establishments are formally excluded from the scope of the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document, whereas teachers in residential special schools are covered by the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (and the Burgundy Book) for their residential allowances.

Orange Book

The 'Orange Book' is the terms and conditions handbook for teachers in all residential social services establishments with teaching on the premises and residential special schools. Available to LGA Workforce subscribers only. It has been revised for 2014.

JNCTRE agreement 2024

Joint Education Services Circular (JESC) No 232

Under the terms of the JNCTRE Agreement, all allowances (including Instructors scales) other than the Sleeping in Duty Allowance have been increased in line with STPCDs allowances and should, therefore, be increased by 5.5 per cent in England and 5.5 per cent in Wales with effect from 1 September 2024. The Sleeping in Duty Allowance should be increased by 2.5 per cent from 1 April 2024, in line with the headline percentage pay increase agreed by the NJC for Local Government Services for 2024-2025.

JNCTRE agreement 2023

Joint Education Services Circular (JESC) NO 229 - Final TRE pay and allowance circular

Under the terms of the JNCTRE Agreement, all allowances (including Instructors scales) other than the Sleeping in Duty Allowance have been increased in line with STPCDs allowances and should, therefore, be increased by 6.5 per cent in England and 5 per cent in Wales with effect from 1 September 2023. 

Establishments in Wales should note that as allowances and instructors’ scales were also increased part-way through the year by an additional 1.5 per cent backdated to 1 September 2022 in Wales, the cumulative effect means that the allowances are the same in both England and Wales for 2023. 

The Sleeping in Duty Allowance should be increased by 3.88 per cent from 1 April 2023, in line with the headline percentage pay increase agreed by the NJC for Local Government Services for 2023-2024.


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