The Local Authority Strategy Delivery Toolkit

The  Local Authority Strategy Delivery toolkit contains a self-evaluation tool to help local authorities demonstrate delivery of the Health and Safety strategy.

It includes:

  • the Local Authority Strategy Delivery Self-evaluation Matrix
  • a forward plan
  • additional tools and resources to meet particular strategy themes.

The Local Authority Strategy Delivery Matrix 

The Local Authority Strategy Delivery Matrix lists the HSE strategy goals in the first column. The second column interprets the Strategy goals and relates them to local authorities. The third column then suggests evidence that local authorities may have to support achievement of the goal interpretation, with simple statements of good practice for local authorities to benchmark their performance against.

Local authorities should consider the evidence listed (and any similar evidence) and evaluate their current position for the strategy goal as a whole by scoring themselves from 1 to 4 as detailed in the table on the matrix. The comment boxes can be used to record evidence to support the rating and/or action planned or needed to achieve the goal. As authorities work through the matrix it will help identify what they do well now and what they have to develop further.

The Local Authority Strategy Delivery forward plan template

The Local Authority Strategy Delivery forward plan allows authorities to establish a forward plan and monitor and record progress towards improvement goals.

Additional resources to support delivery of strategy themes

The results of councils' self assessment will feed into the development of additional supporting tools and resources to help achieve the national strategy goals. The first additional tool is aligned to Strategy Goal Theme One – Effective leadership

Strategy Goal Theme One – Securing effective leadership on health and safety in local government

It contains an additional self-evaluation matrix and forward plan dedicated to ensuring that elected members and senior managers are aware of their responsibilities for health and safety, and that they are considered in strategic decision making.

This section also provides links to other sources of relevant guidance on health and safety leadership.