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Diverse by design

This Diverse by Design guide captures 15 key steps that we believe are fundamental in helping local government employers to embed fair values, systems and behaviours throughout their organisation.

Diverse by design banner image - graphics of different men and women

Our local government workplaces vary hugely across the country. This guide will support you to understand and prioritise which of the 15 steps will help you to achieve authentic, impactful and sustainable change needed to be fairer and perform better. 

Acting on those steps that are meaningful to your organisation will help you:

  • go beyond initiatives and compliance
  • understand what change is needed and why
  • be clear about how this will improve the organisation for your employees, communities and partners.

There are many paths to being a fairer and more inclusive employer and there is no single destination. The guide will help you to focus on the things that are important to your organisation and your employees, and to adopt a pace of change that fits your workplace and your priorities.