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NJC/2/22 – Response to Major Incidents

Employers’ Secretary, Naomi Cooke

18 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HZ

Telephone 020 7664 3000 

e-mail: [email protected]

Employees’ Secretary, Matt Wrack

Bradley House, 68 Coombe Rd

Kingston upon Thames  KT2 7AE

Telephone 020 8541 1765

National Joint Council for local authority fire and rescue services 

To: Chairs of Fire Authorities 

Chief Fire Officers

Chief Executives/Clerks to Fire Authorities

Directors of HR (Fire Authorities)

23 December 2022

Circular NJC/2/22

FBU trade dispute – major incident agreements

1. You will be aware that the FBU is currently undertaking a strike action ballot of its members in respect of this year’s pay negotiations.

2. The NJC invests considerable time and effort into maintaining and improving industrial relations, jointly supporting a positive approach to resolving and managing difficulties and disagreements both at national and local level. It is a disappointment for both parties that unusually the pay negotiation is, as yet, unresolved and the matter of dispute.

3. Given that joint commitment to industrial relations and mindful of the potential for the ballot outcome to support strike action by FBU members as well as the need for fire and rescue authorities and services to plan in advance, the NJC explored the possibility of providing a protocol, by agreement, in respect of a major incident should there be strike action relating to this dispute.

4. We write to advise you that strategic framework agreements to facilitate and assist detailed discussion at local level have now been agreed.

Appendix 1 relates to England.

Appendix 2 relates to Scotland.

Appendix 3 relates to Wales.

Appendix 4 relates to Northern Ireland.

5. We therefore encourage the local parties to meet to discuss implementation should it become necessary.

6. For the avoidance of doubt, the approach and principles within the attached documents would cover all striking FBU members, including those in control rooms.

7. Such agreement does not diminish the intention of both parties to resolve this dispute as soon as possible. Discussions will continue.

Yours faithfully,

Naomi Cooke

Matt Wrack

Joint Secretaries

Response to Major Incidents combined circular - accessible version