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Local government services pay agreement 2021-2022

Employers’ Secretary

Naomi Cooke

Address for correspondence

Local Government Association

18 Smith Square

London SW1P 3HZ

Tel: 020 7664 3000

[email protected]

Trade Union Secretaries

Rachel Harrison, GMB

Mike Short, UNISON

Address for correspondence


130 Euston Road

London NW1 2AY

Tel: 0800 085 7857

[email protected]

To: Chief executives in England, Wales and N Ireland 

(additional copies for HR and finance directors)

Members of the National Joint Council

28 February 2022

Dear Chief Executive,

Local Government service pay agreement 2021-22


Agreement has been reached on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2021.

Employers are encouraged to implement this pay award as swiftly as possible.

The new pay rates are attached at Annex 1. The new rates for allowances, uprated by 1.75 per cent, are set out at Annex 2.

The NJC has agreed to recommence the review of Term-Time Only working arrangements, which was paused at the outbreak of the pandemic.

The NJC has also agreed to enter into discussions on homeworking policies, mental health support and maternity etc leave.

Backpay for employees who have left employment since 1 April 2021

If requested by an ex-employee to do so, we recommend that employers should pay any monies due to that employee from 1 April 2021 to the employee’s last day of employment.

When salary arrears are paid to ex-employees who were in the LGPS, the employer must inform its local LGPS fund. Employers will need to amend the CARE and final pay figures (if the ex-employee has pre-April 2014 LGPS membership) accordingly. Further detail is provided in section 15 of the HR guide which is available on the employer resources section of

Naomi Cooke, Rehana Azam, Mike Short


Annex 1
SCP 01-Apr-20 01-Apr-20 01-Apr-21 01-Apr-21
  per annum per hour per annum per hour
1 £17,842 £9.25 £18,333 £9.50
2 £18,198 £9.43 £18,516 £9.60
3 £18,562 £9.62 £18,887 £9.79
4 £18,933 £9.81 £19,264 £9.99
5 £19,312 £10.01 £19,650 £10.19
6 £19,698 £10.21 £20,043 £10.39
7 £20,092 £10.41 £20,444 £10.60
8 £20,493 £10.62 £20,852 £10.81
9 £20,903 £10.83 £21,269 £11.02
10 £21,322 £11.05 £21,695 £11.25
11 £21,748 £11.27 £22,129 £11.47
12 £22,183 £11.50 £22,571 £11.70
13 £22,627 £11.73 £23,023 £11.93
14 £23,080 £11.96 £23,484 £12.17
15 £23,541 £12.20 £23,953 £12.42
16 £24,012 £12.45 £24,432 £12.66
17 £24,491 £12.69 £24,920 £12.92
18 £24,982 £12.95 £25,419 £13.18
19 £25,481 £13.21 £25,927 £13.44
20 £25,991 £13.47 £26,446 £13.71
21 £26,511 £13.74 £26,975 £13.98
22 £27,041 £14.02 £27,514 £14.26
23 £27,741 £14.38 £28,226 £14.63
24 £28,672 £14.86 £29,174 £15.12
25 £29,577 £15.33 £30,095 £15.60
26 £30,451 £15.78 £30,984 £16.06
27 £31,346 £16.25 £31,895 £16.53
28 £32,234 £16.71 £32,798 £17.00
29 £32,910 £17.06 £33,486 £17.36
30 £33,782 £17.51 £34,373 £17.82
31 £34,728 £18.00 £35,336 £18.32
32 £35,745 £18.53 £36,371 £18.85
33 £36,922 £19.14 £37,568 £19.47
34 £37,890 £19.64 £38,553 £19.98
35 £38,890 £20.16 £39,571 £20.51
36 £39,880 £20.67 £40,578 £21.03
37 £40,876 £21.19 £41,591 £21.56
38 £41,881 £21.71 £42,614 £22.09
39 £42,821 £22.20 £43,570 £22.58
40 £43,857 £22.73 £44,624 £23.13
41 £44,863 £23.25 £45,648 £23.66
42 £45,859 £23.77 £46,662 £24.19
43 £46,845 £24.28 £47,665 £24.71

NB: hourly rate calculated by dividing annual salary by 52.143 weeks (which is 365 days divided by 7) and then divided by 37 hours

(the standard working week)

Annex 2

Part 3 Paragraph 2.6(e) Sleeping-in Duty Payment:

1 April 2021




Paragraph 28(3) Nursery Staffs in Educational Establishments - Special Educational Needs Allowance

1 April 2021


Paragraph 28(14) Laboratory / Workshop Technicians

City and Guilds Science Laboratory Technician’s Certificate Allowance:

1 April 2021


City and Guilds Laboratory Technician’s Advanced Certificate Allowance:

1 April 2021


Paragraph 32 London Weighting and Fringe Area Allowances £ Per Annum

Inner Fringe Area:

1 April 2021


Outer Fringe Area:

1 April 2021


Paragraph 35 Standby Duty Allowance - Social Workers (1)(a)(i) Allowance - Per Session

1 April 2021



Section 1 Paragraph 3 London and Fringe Area Allowances £ Per Annum

Inner Fringe Area:

1 April 2021


Outer Fringe Area:

1 April 2021
