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LGA, 18 Smith Square
London, SW1P 3HZ
Telephone 020 7187 7340
Employers’ Side Secretary, Sarah Ward
e-mail: [email protected]
Unison Centre,130 Euston Road
London, NW1 2AY
Telephone 020 7121 5272
Trade Union Side Secretary, Ben Priestley
e-mail: [email protected]
To: Police and Crime Commissioner
Force Personnel/HR Manager/Payroll Manager
19 February 2024
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached the report of the Police Staff Council’s Police Staff Earnings Survey 2023. The Council undertakes this survey every five years, with previous surveys being published in 2018 and 2013.
The latest survey was undertaken between May and September 2023 in support of pay and conditions negotiations at the Council.
There were 38 forces that provided pay data by responding to the questionnaire which resulted in a 93% response rate. The survey therefore presents a very representative overview of the state of police staff pay and conditions.
For the first time, the Council has collected available data on ethnicity pay, which you will find towards the end of the report, together with some graphs showing the distribution of staff on the PSC pay spine by sex and ethnicity.
The Council will be using the data in the report to support its negotiations going forward. Our thanks go to the Local Government Association’s research team which compiled the survey results. As ever, they have provided a very readable and accessible report.
If you have any questions on the report, please do get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Ben Priestley
Trade Union Side Secretary
David Algie
Employers’ Side Secretariat