Question 4: Is the wording sufficiently clear such that LAs using the override will not have to make any prior adjustments or revisit opening balances with respect to infrastructure assets (for the accounts where the override is first used)?
Question 5: Is it clear that local authorities can then, if adopting option (2) (a) treatment in the SI, decide that any carrying or net amount of replaced component of an infrastructure asset or replaced part is ‘nil’ without further evidential requirement?
Question 6: Is it clear that local authorities may, by election, choose to either follow the CIPFA LASAAC issued Accounting Code OR follow the treatment allowed in the override?
Yes. We agree that this flexibility is required.
Question 7: Should the override apply until 2024/25? If no, please provide comments on what alternative timeframe should be adopted?
Yes. The override needs to be in place until an alternative satisfactory solution is in place. If such a solution is not in place by the time the 2024/25 accounts are being finalised, then we call on the Government to extend the override permanently or until an alternative satisfactory solution is in place.
Question 8: Is it correct that the override should apply to all accounts not yet certified?
Yes. The issue with infrastructure assets is new for the 2020/21 accounts and has only arisen in 2022, although the code has not changed in this respect since the 1990s. We trust that there will be no move to reopen accounts already certified; that being so, applying the override to accounts not yet certified should be sufficient. Alternatively, if there is a move on the part of auditors or regulators to reopen old accounts due to this issue, then we will call on the department and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) as shadow system leader, to take whatever action is necessary to prevent it becoming an issue that prevents the finalisation of accounts.
Question 9: Are the definitions provided sufficiently clear and accurate?
Question 10: Will this have the effect of mitigating the infrastructure assets issue (in conjunction with the changes to the Code that remove the need for disclosure of gross costs and acc dep) such that the majority of accounts affected now and while the override is in place will not be further delayed due to the infrastructure assets issue nor be qualified due to the infrastructure assets issue?
Yes. We believe it does, however, if in practice delays still occur due to this issue, then as with question 8, we will call on the department and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) as shadow system leader to take whatever action is necessary to prevent it becoming a new issue that still prevents the finalisation of accounts.
Question 11: Please only answer this question if you represent a local authority: Is your authority affected by the issues as outlined?
This is a question for individual councils to answer.
Question 12: Please only answer this question if you represent a local authority: If you answered YES to the last question, will the introduction of this override along with the changes proposed by CIPFA to the Code remove the barriers to accounts sign-off without qualification with respect to?
This is a question for individual councils to answer.
Questions 13 to 16 are for audit firms only.
Question 17: Do you have any other observations on the effectiveness of the override?
Please see the comments made in the general points section.