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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Adult social care funding frequently asked questions

This FAQ aims to set out a clearer picture, along with our latest understanding of the issues associated with the funding, and the positions the LGA is taking.

View allAdult social care articles

Legislating for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU

This briefing provides an analysis of the recent Government White Paper: ‘Legislating for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union’.

View allBrexit articles

Response to Consultation on Cipfa Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities and Cipfa Treasury Management Code of Practice

The LGA is of the opinion that the arrangements introduced in 2002 (Treasury Management code) and 2004 (Prudential Code) have worked well and provide a good governance framework to be followed by local authorities. We are therefore of the strong opinion that the present review should not fundamentally alter these arrangements. General points

Response to the Department for Education’s stage two consultation on high needs funding formula and other reforms

The High Needs National Funding Formula (NFF) proposals will be in place for at least four years, according to the Stage 2 consultation documents. Therefore, it is essential that the NFF provides a robust and equitable method of funding provision and services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and vulnerabilities.

View allEducation and schools articles

Protecting and improving local arts and cultural services, including museums, libraries and archaeological services | House of Lords

Councils are well placed to lead local action around culture and help people to identify with, understand, appreciate, engage with and feel a sense of ‘belonging’ in their local area.

Response to the Department for Education's stage two consultation on a Schools national funding formula

The LGA is deeply concerned about the ability of schools and councils to implement reductions in funding in the proposed one year of the ‘soft' funding formula in 2018-19.

View allEducation and schools articles

Digital Economy Bill

Key briefing and summary points for local government on the Digital Economy Bill.

View allEconomic growth articles
View allDigital connectivity articles

Bus Services Bill

Key summary points and briefings for local government on the Bus Services Bill.

View allTransport articles

Backbench business debate on the Social Mobility Commission's State of the Nation report

We want every resident to have a good quality of life and to aspire to improve their circumstances regardless of their background or where they live.

View allEmployment and skills articles

House of Commons debate on budgets for health and social care

The LGA has been leading efforts to highlight the significant pressures facing adult social care and we are pleased that the Government has started to act on our concerns.

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