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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Budget debate: Fixing the NHS and reforming public services, House of Commons, 5 November 2024

It is encouraging that the Chancellor has announced £1.3 billion of extra funding, through the local government finance settlement, for the next financial year. Together with council tax flexibilities and locally-retained business rates, this will provide a real-terms increase in total core spending power in 2025/26 of around 3.2 per cent. This will help meet some, but not all, of the significant pressures in adult and children’s social care and homelessness support.

Budget debate: Rebuilding Britain, House of Commons, 6 November 2024

It is encouraging that the Chancellor has announced £1.3 billion of extra funding, through the local government finance settlement, for the next financial year. Together with council tax flexibilities and locally-retained business rates, this will provide a real-terms increase in total core spending power in 2025/26 of around 3.2 per cent.

View allEconomic growth articles

Budget debate: Protecting Working People, House of Commons, Monday 4 November 2024

It is encouraging that the Chancellor has announced £1.3 billion of extra funding, through the local government finance settlement, for the next financial year. Together with council tax flexibilities and locally-retained business rates, this will provide a real-terms increase in total core spending power in 2025/26 of around 3.2 per cent. This will help meet some – but not all – of the significant pressures in adult and children’s social care and homelessness support.

View allEmployment and skills articles

Autumn Budget 2024: LGA briefing

Our Autumn Budget 2024 briefing summarises the key announcements for councils and provides an initial LGA view

Employment Rights Bill

The introduction of the Employment Rights Bill aims to upgrade the UK labour market so that it is fit for a modern economy.

View allWorkforce articles

Westminster Hall Debate: Regeneration of city and town centres

Wednesday 16 October, 14:30-16:00

View allEconomic growth articles

Westminster Hall Debate, Funding for Highways Essex, Wednesday 16 October

All roads face wear and tear requiring ongoing maintenance. But funding has not kept up, and our local road network is now an asset in decline due to this deficit.

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LGA response to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) consultation, October 2024

We clearly recognise the need to strengthen and increase housebuilding across the country and believe that all local authorities have their part to play. To do that local authorities need the right powers, skills, resources, and funding to take action.

LGA consultation response to Sport England’s next implementation plan for 2025 to 2028

Sport England has invited all those who are involved in sport or physical activity to share their views to ensure that their assumptions remain correct..

Debate on the state of social care in England, and the case for a comprehensive social care strategy and further support for unpaid carers, House of Lords, 10 October 2024

There must be joint work with an incoming government to reform – in coproduction with people drawing on care and support – the approach to adult social care, and better joint working between the NHS and local government to support people.

View allAdult social care articles

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