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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Westminster Hall Debate: Net zero targets and decarbonising transport, House of Commons, Tuesday 4 February 2020

We are calling for the devolution of the bus service operator grant and for all councils to be given the ability to franchise local services.

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Westminster Hall Debate, Funding for Highways Essex, Wednesday 16 October

All roads face wear and tear requiring ongoing maintenance. But funding has not kept up, and our local road network is now an asset in decline due to this deficit.

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Westminster Hall debate, Bus services in rural areas, 11 September 2024

Communities rely on high quality transport provision and infrastructure to get on in life. In rural areas, transport is key to helping maintain access to vital amenities and services.

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The decline in the use of buses in England, House of Lords, 8 March 2018

A diverse range of bus services operate outside England’s major cities, from inter-urban connectors through small networks around towns to relatively long-distance services often providing the only transport link to small communities other than a private car.

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Taxi and private hire licensing reform, House of Commons, 3 October 2019

Existing outdated taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV) licensing laws need to be updated and strengthened.  The LGA is calling on the Government to take forward commitments it made in response to its task and finish group’s report and introduce reform legislation in the next Queen’s Speech.

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Tackling nitrogen dioxide in our towns and cities consultation - LGA submission

As well as submitting this response the LGA hopes we can continue to work with Government to suggest improvements to the strategy and ensure we meet the Government’s responsibilities in delivering clean air across the country.

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Subsidised bus services in England | House of Lords

In this year alone (2016), total bus mileage in England outside London decreased by 2.8 per cent, the largest annual decrease since 2003/04.

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LGA submission to Williams Rail Review

Councils wish to see a successful rail industry that supports local growth and is properly connected with the fabric of local economies.

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LGA submission to the future of lane rental consultation, 27 October 2017

The LGA supports the further roll out of lane rental to any authority that wishes to make use of the powers. We would also support more options being considered developing the Government’s proposed super permits. 

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LGA submission to Introduction of green number plates for ultra low emission vehicles

The LGA is supportive of efforts to increase the uptake of low emission vehicles.

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