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Engaging with schools and communities to support inclusive teaching of RSE

This briefing provides top tips, helpful resources and case studies from seven councils, showcasing just a small selection of positive approaches going on across the country.

The importance of delivering high quality and inclusive Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) cannot be overstated. It helps keep children safe and gives them the confidence and knowledge they need as they mature through adolescence and into adulthood.

Councils have worked with schools for many years to help ensure pupils receive the best teaching possible. But now the need to get it right is greater than ever. From September 2020 it will become a statutory requirement for all primary schools to provide age appropriate Relationships Education and all secondary and specialist schools to provide age-appropriate RSE. Health education will also become mandatory in all state-schools.

This briefing provides top tips, helpful resources and case studies from seven councils, showcasing just a small selection of positive approaches going on across the country.