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Guidance on Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) engagement

This guidance sets out The Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and the LGA’s expectations for the role of Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs) within Integrated Care Systems.


GOV.UK: Guidance on Integrated care partnership (ICP), published on 23 March 2022, sets out The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), NHS England and the LGA’s expectations for the role of Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs) within Integrated Care Systems.

It aims to support local authorities, Integrated Care Boards and other key stakeholders in considering what arrangements might work best in their area when laying the foundations for establishing ICPs.

This is connected to the Health and Care Bill.

Purpose of the guidance

This guidance aims to present a vision for ICPs to lay the foundations for strong, well-equipped partnerships which will be required to take a holistic and place-based view of health and care.

The first step in a wider engagement process, this document builds on the principles for ICPs set out in NHSE’s ICS Design Framework (published on 16 June 2021).

We aim to:

  • offer further detail on what we see as the role of, and opportunities for, ICPs as one of two core elements of ICSs
  • provide further explanation around the statutory framework for ICPs, as legislated for by the Health and Care Bill
  • set out the guiding expectations we have for ICPs in their operation and delivery
  • give stakeholders more clarity on timings for establishment of ICPs and how this fits with the establishment of other elements of the system.

Download the guidance

Download the guidance on the Government's website

Guidance on Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) engagement thumbnail
Published by:
DHSC, NHS England and the LGA
Reference code: