Multi-agency working
Multi-agency working between the police, health, housing, the fire brigade and the third sector was valued by all the local authorities included in the case studies, through either joint governance arrangements, operational integration and/or sharing of data to inform strategic and operational decisions.
Local authorities also highlighted the benefits of multi-agency working at an operational level, particularly when taking a whole family approach to supporting victims and survivors; having a mix of professional expertise and experience ensured the needs of victims and survivors could be met effectively.
All local authorities suggested that effective multi-agency working was a key plank in any successful approach to tackling domestic abuse and supporting victim and survivors.
Engagement with victims and survivors
Councils recognised that engagement with victims and survivors is absolutely key to informing and co-producing domestic abuse strategies, service specifications and communication campaigns. Understanding the needs of victims of survivors has been essential to ensuring that services are inclusive and accessible, especially for those from minority groups.
Councils highlighted that they had a greater understanding through engagement with victims and survivors, noting that domestic abuse cannot be tackled in isolation, as it can be part of a much wider complex picture of need and intersectionality.
Some councils have sought to embed the voices of victims and survivors within their governance process, such as Hertfordshire County Council. Their intention is to create a ‘shadow board’ - made up of victims and survivors which they believe will ensure high quality provision throughout and evolving to the needs of victims and survivors are met.
Raising staff awareness and upskilling practitioners beyond specialist domestic abuse
Local authorities noted that awareness and understanding of domestic abuse should be, as highlighted in Central Bedfordshire, ‘everyone’s business’.
Many councils identified that their strategies to tackle domestic abuse needed to go beyond providing domestic abuse support services, but instead embed an awareness across all services and staff to ensure effective prevention, identification and intervention. This has involved a number of different approaches either through e-learning, staff training and training dedicated champions within the local authority, as-well as, those in the community.
Councils have also taken targeted approaches, recognising that some staff roles could place them in a prime position to spot signs of domestic abuse, such as housing operatives carrying out repairs in people’s homes, or staff treating patients in Accident and Emergency.
Councils have also upskilled practitioners more directly involved with families to be more confident in recognising and discussing domestic abuse where they think it may be present. This has included feeling confident to encourage disclosures from victims and survivors who are suffering from domestic abuse or, challenging the perpetrator on their behaviour.
Data and information sharing
Councils highlighted that information sharing and understanding/analysing locally available datasets was essential for improving their local approaches to domestic abuse, from understanding where there was under-reporting of incidents across different services or specific localities, to sharing family context to informing multi agency case reviews.
Gathering the necessary data has enabled local authorities to prioritise resources, manage risk and better meet the needs of victims and survivors.
Access to funding
Councils found that when seeking to set up a new project or service, one-year or short-term funding granted by Government departments had made it more difficult to gain buy-in from some partners and providers to commit and invest resources for a short period of time
Longer term funding commitments from Government would enable local authorities to justify investment and secure a longer-term commitment from partners.
COVID-19 pandemic
Many of the councils featured in the case studies remarked on the challenges of COVID-19, whether it be responding to the heightened risk to victims and survivors, accessibility to services, or the ability to work with partners.
These case studies capture the resilience and resourcefulness of councils to adapt, whether it be refocusing their strategy or priorities, shifting their ways of working to being online, launching awareness campaigns through social media or focusing on detailed quantitative research to understand the impact of COVID-19 on their services. All local authorities noted that their strong relationships with partners enabled them to respond effectively to the crisis and support victims and survivors.
Some councils have reflected on the importance of regularly reviewing their domestic abuse action plans, to ensure their services remain fit for purpose and meet the needs of victims and survivors. This is important, especially in rapidly changing circumstances and the emergence of a ‘new normal’ as COVID-19 restrictions come to an end.