In partnership develop collaborative early intervention, prevention and wellbeing strategic and operational plans that harness the skills, resources and assets of local voluntary and community sector organisations.
Why is early intervention and prevention important?
To support people to maintain their independence and prevent unnecessary hospital or institutional care, it is vital that there is capacity within local community-based services to support prevention, early intervention and enablement. Research has shown that early intervention can prevent more serious symptoms from developing and enable people to live well and independently with mental health conditions.
Partners will need to refocus the way mental health services are delivered, giving greater priority to prevention and early intervention, rather than waiting for people to reach crisis point. This will mean developing a wide range of preventative, therapeutic, early intervention and enablement services in the local community.
How to achieve early intervention and prevention
Think broadly about how to partner with the VCSE sector to develop community-based services, support and interventions that focus on prevention, early intervention, self-care, enablement and wellbeing.
Reframe the narrative by focusing on strengths and assets instead of needs and deficits to foster an environment for community engagement.
Promote a culture of co-production, taking a co-design approach that shares the power with people with lived experience, to develop services people want to keep them well.
Include voluntary-led services in local service directories to support personalised care planning and connect people to the wealth of local community resources and initiatives through clear and intuitive signposting, social prescribing, peer mentors, link workers and care navigators.
Support and encourage the full offer of schemes and programmes run by the voluntary sector, including Shared Lives, community circles, time banks, etc.
CQC quality statements on early intervention and prevention
“We understand our duty to collaborate and work in partnership, so our services work seamlessly for people. We share information and learning with partners and collaborate for improvement”.
Tools to support early intervention and prevention
- Building community into the integrated care system is a practical toolkit for building robust community mental health care, Rethink, 2023
- Realising everyone’s access to community help: Voluntary, Community, Faith, and Social Enterprise Mental Health (VCFSE MH) Alliance is a consortium of seventy providers operating in Coventry and Warwickshire. They have been successful in working together to develop a new coproduced, peer support service REACH that facilitates early intervention and prevention services.
- Getting my life back: occupational therapy promoting mental health and wellbeing provides a range of innovative occupational therapy services that focus on prevention and early intervention in mental health services. The report shows that occupational therapy has life-changing effects on people with mental health conditions, from stress and anxiety to depression, psychosis and self-harm.