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Transforming social care through the use of information and technology 2016

The LGA's Care and Health Improvement Programme and the Institute of Public Care launched a report at the National Children's and Adult Services (NCAS) Conference 2016 to present the role and use of technology in the transformation of social care and integration across care and health, offering a place-based vision for future service delivery.

The report aims to highlight the emerging role of technology in transforming social care services and enabling care and health integration - including case studies of the introduction and use of technology to deliver improved outcomes for social care service users and, in the context of integration, patients. It also showcases the current and future roles of technology in facilitating demand management, delivering cost efficiencies, and mitigating against systemic risks.

Drawing on relevant examples of innovative practice, the report covers five key themes (outlined below) and enablers for transformation including, strategy and leadership engagement and collaboration with citizens and professionals.

Report themes

  • Integrating services and information for children, families and adults.
  • Enabling people to interact with care services through digital channels.
  • Promoting independence and wellbeing through the use of digital services and technology.
  • Integrating commissioning through the improved use of information and analysis.
  • Enabling care professionals to work from any base at any time.

An executive summary of the publication for members and senior officers is also available.

Transforming social care through the use of information and technology (pdf)

Transforming social care through the use of information and technology: Executive summary (pdf)