3.1 Introduction
Emissions of CO2 for your local authority area are published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) [xxii]. In addition, the LGA has teamed up with Local Partnerships to offer local authorities a free Greenhouse Gas Accounting Tool to help local authorities establish their baseline greenhouse gas emissions over a single reporting year.
Local authorities are responsible for only a very small proportion of emissions: the entire public sector is directly responsible for only two percent of CO2. But this headline figure does not tell the whole story. The Climate Change Committee estimates that around a third of the UK’s emissions are dependent on sectors that are directly shaped or influenced by local authority practice, policy or partnerships [xxiii].
Local authority practice can shape emissions in many ways, such as:
- Whether or not local authority buildings are operated in an energy efficient way;
- Whether or not local authority fleet vehicles use low carbon fuels; and
- Whether or not waste management routes are optimised.
Local authority policy can have far reaching impacts:
- Does local planning policy require Net Zero carbon new developments?
- Do procurement policies include carbon emissions within their Social Value Framework?
- Does the local authority have a biodiversity strategy that sets a target for increasing the number of trees in the local area?
And local authority partnerships can encourage and empower others to reduce the emissions that they have control over:
- Is there a local climate change partnership that helps local businesses to work together to reduce their emissions?
- Does the local authority support community groups who want to run local renewable energy schemes?
- Has the council designed streets to encourage walking and cycling rather than car use?
Reaching Net Zero will require a new approach to managing, funding, procuring, commissioning and devising services across local authorities. It will mean taking action to help people and businesses take up low-carbon solutions. Underpinning a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will be skills training, job creation and support to grow the local supply chains to install home energy efficiency measures and low-carbon heating, low-carbon farming skills, sustainable food production, tree planting and land-based jobs.
The sections below consider in more detail the ways that a council can affect emissions.
3.2 Opportunities by sphere of influence
The Climate Change Committee has identified six ‘spheres of influence' that councils have over carbon emissions, as illustrated in the adjacent diagram. We explore opportunities for action in each of these spheres, plus a section on overarching opportunities, providing links to guidance, inspiration and ideas on wider engagement for each section.
How local authorities control and influence emissions
Influence |
Detail |
A Direct control |
buildings, operations, travel |
B Procurement and commissioning |
commercialisation |
C Place shaping |
using powers to control development and transport |
D Showcasing |
innovating, piloting, demonstrating and shaping good practice, scaling and replicating |
E Partnerships |
leading, bringing people and organisations together, co-ordinating and supporting others' partnerships |
F Involving, engaging, and communicating |
translating global and national climate change targets for local relevance, with stakeholders to raise awareness, involving people and ideas for local solutions |
3.2.1 Overarching issues Political leadership
Strong political leadership that underpins a council’s ambition and supports action will be critical to meeting councils’ Net Zero ambitions. Where relevant, this should be supported by the wider Cabinet, examined in scrutiny committees, or for councils without a Cabinet, through the committee system. Action Plans
To achieve carbon emissions reductions, councils will need a Net Zero or Climate Action Plan that sets out the required delivery projects. This should be aligned with climate adaptation, biodiversity and other key local strategies. The key challenge is to turn the good intentions of a climate emergency declaration and/or carbon emissions reduction target into a plan and then to deliver it.
Climate Emergency UK and mySociety have created an open, searchable database of council climate action plans which supports browsing and comparison of different councils’ plans, and search over the text of all the plans in one place.
Community engagement and involvement will be critical to achieving Net Zero; involving the community in the development of this plan will facilitate their involvement in delivering it. Some local authority Net Zero plans have been co-designed with the wider community, businesses, public sector and universities as well as statutory bodies operating in the region such as Natural England and the Environment Agency. Others simply invite feedback through a consultation process.
Currently, local authority reporting on emissions is voluntary. However, consistent and easy calculation of an annual carbon baseline is an important part of managing the carbon in our organisations. Staff training and capacity building
Climate, energy, sustainability and carbon understanding needs to be embedded in the whole authority, across staff and systems. Carbon literacy is defined as, “An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis” [xxiv]. All Elected Members and staff will have a role to play in delivering Net Zero, including Building Control, Planning and Conservation teams, Housing officers and Housing partnerships. Providing them with carbon literacy will ensure they understand their role in achieving the council’s targets. As technologies develop, regulation emerges and plans progress, regular updates will be helpful to keep people up to date. Decision making and funding
For councils to decarbonise, it is vital that consideration of carbon impact forms part of every decision the council makes. Some local authorities are developing tools and methods for decision-making and financial appraisal that consider the climate impact of each decision and also the impact on social justice.
Incorporating climate indicators in the corporate performance framework makes action on climate visible and accountable within the everyday business of the local authority and allows performance to be tracked consistently and transparently. Embedding climate-related indicators in this way makes it less likely that climate actions slip off the agenda in light of other inevitable pressures from statutory duties. There is a growing consensus that climate action needs to be as embedded as health and safety or equality considerations.
If you are an opposition councillor, you can use your council’s scrutiny process to challenge the council if you do not think it is doing what it should to tackle climate change. The LGA has produced a workbook on scrutiny (PDF) that explains this element of council governance in more detail. You can also consider becoming involved in the work of the council’s most relevant committee or task and finish group (for example the Environment Committee or a Climate Change task and finish group), either through membership of the committee or group or by raising your concerns with fellow councillors who are members of the committee or group.
Identifying and securing the right funding for an array of green projects is key to delivering real change, in what is otherwise a difficult economic climate for local authorities. The successful introduction of the first community municipal bond represents a potential turning point for financing sustainable public projects. In addition, a combination of Brexit, economic stimulus in response to COVID-19 and the run up to COP26 has led to significant sums of grant funding for green projects becoming available. Scaling up action
The Association for Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT) has adopted climate as a priority for their members, providing webinars and materials. They have worked with a range of partners to produce a Blueprint for delivery outlining to government the additional policies, powers and funding needed to scale up action. The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting (CIPFA) is now beginning to include carbon and climate as an issue in its professional training programme [xxv].
Overarching action to cut carbon - questions to ask
1. Has your council created a Cabinet position (or equivalent) with responsibility for climate action/Net Zero?
As a result of declaring their Climate Emergency in January 2019, Calderdale Council created a new cabinet post for Climate Change & Resilience. The post holder meets all Service Directors every two weeks to keep climate delivery on track. Senior directors are taking a stronger role in embedding emissions reductions across their services areas.
2. Has your council measured its carbon emissions and developed a Climate Action Plan?
Does this link into climate adaptation, biodiversity net gain and other key local strategies? Does it set out plans for monitoring and updating?
The Carbon Trust has produced a Local Climate Action Planning framework. The LGA and Local Partnerships have recently launched a free Greenhouse Gas Accounting Tool for Scope 1 and 2 emissions and basic Scope 3 emissions. The tool produces summary tables and charts to help councils understand their most significant sources of emissions, which can then be used to prioritise actions to reduce carbon emissions. Submissions made annually by 31 October will be benchmarked and available on LG Inform.
Climate Emergency UK provides links to the many councils that have declared climate emergencies and to their strategies and plans.
Has the wider community been involved in the development of the action plan? Is there a mechanism for ongoing engagement and involvement?
3. Has a policy and service review been conducted to align policy, spending and functions with Net Zero?
Lancaster Council formally adopted its Local Plan in July 2020. This shapes the future of the Lancaster district up until 2031, and plans for more housing, new employment, open spaces, shops and community facilities, all of which are necessary to create places in which people want to live, work and do business. In January 2019, the council declared a climate emergency. Whilst the newly adopted Local Plan does seek to address climate change, it was too far advanced in the plan preparation process to incorporate some of the actions and directions of the climate emergency declaration. The council has therefore entered into an immediate Local Plan review to ensure that the aspects of this agenda are adequately considered. Staff should be closely involved in these reviews.
4. Has a training and capacity building programme been carried out within the council?
The organisation Carbon Literacy has received government funding to develop carbon literacy training courses for councils. Development of The Local Authorities CL Toolkit has been funded by The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) via The Greater Manchester Combined Authority, and has involved contribution and donation of materials and testing and piloting by 13 different local authorities across England and Wales.
5. Has your council adopted a decision-making process that considers the carbon impact of any decision?
Cornwall Council has developed a decision-making wheel, based on the concept of Doughnut Economics developed by Kate Raworth, that addresses climate action and social justice. It has been used in all Cabinet decisions since September 2019 and work is underway to embed the tool across a broader range of processes including investment boards, budget setting, commissioning and lower-level decision-making committees.
Calderdale Council has introduced climate and
biodiversity key performance indicators (PDF) to its mainstream performance framework. It will help establish mechanisms for accountability and will be published quarterly on the website, and reported formally twice-annually to councillors. This reflects the climate emergency as a core corporate priority. The indicators will evolve as more data becomes available.
3.2.2 Direct control
Councils only have direct control over 1-2 per cent of their area’s emissions – those that relate to their own estate and the delivery of services. These are the areas that are the easiest for councils to change and it is important that the council sets an example for the wider area by demonstrating what it is doing to achieve Net Zero.
Almost half of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions are from the energy used to generate heat, with the vast majority of our homes still relying on fossil fuel powered gas boilers and with much of our building stock still poorly insulated and inefficient [xxvi].
Non-domestic estate
Your local authority will probably have a carbon reduction plan for the council estate. This should include plans to maximise energy efficiency in buildings as well as for decarbonising heat. Any new buildings should be designed to be zero carbon. Public buildings can form anchor loads for heat network investments or to trial and demonstrate new technologies. Government grants and loans are available to fund much of this work.
Domestic estate
Where your authority owns its own housing stock, there should similarly be a plan in place for cutting carbon from these homes. This will have the added benefit of cutting fuel poverty by making homes more efficient and cheaper to heat.
Any new buildings that form part of the council estate or which are built on council owned land should be built to the highest standards. Local authorities can require that new homes are built to Passivhaus or equivalent low emissions standards. Transport
Councils can take a number of actions to reduce their transport emissions and those of customers using council services. Staff travel policies should be reviewed to ensure that the travel hierarchy (avoid travel; walk or cycle; use public transport; use electric cars; use other cars) is reflected throughout and, for those roles that require a vehicle, electric (EV) pool cars and e-bikes provided. Transport needs of service provision (eg home carers) should also be reviewed alongside the location of customer facing services to identify opportunities to reduce staff commuting and business travel. Waste
Most of the greenhouse gas impact from waste is from methane from the decomposition of biodegradable waste in landfill. Reducing waste and increasing recycling are key to cutting this source of emissions. Waste disposal should follow the waste hierarchy of reduce, reuse, recycling, composting and anaerobic digestion ahead of incineration or finally landfill.
Waste contracts have a long lead-in time, and 10-year contracts with renewal options are in place in many local authorities. This means thinking ahead to ensure emissions are locked out rather than locked in at procurement. The introduction of deposit return schemes and extended producer responsibility (EPR) in 2023 will have implications for council waste collections, and could reduce some materials going into household recycling and see new materials and funds appearing due to EPR. You can also consider setting up anaerobic digestion and composting facilities.
To reduce emissions from waste collection, you can procure electric or hydrogen fuelled vehicles when the fleet needs renewing. Land-use
Local authorities own 4 per cent of England’s land, 1 per cent of which is held in County Farms (operated by 44 local authorities), the rest in parks, nature reserves, highways, moorland, foreshore, downland, golf courses, allotments, Green Belt land and council buildings, schools and council housing. Peatland restoration, planting trees and low-carbon farming methods can all help reduce emissions. Funding and investments
Local authorities will need to access private sector investment and green finance to deliver the scale of the change needed. It is important that local authority legal and finance teams, and project delivery teams develop their knowledge of the finance industry.
In 2020, it was found that many councils that had declared climate emergencies still had substantial investments in fossil fuel industries through their pension funds; nearly £10billion in total [xxvii]. Local authority pension funds should disclose their approach to assessing and managing climate risks and should consider investing in Net Zero aligned schemes within their legal duties.
Direct control – questions to ask
1. Council estate (non-domestic): are there plans for ensuring new and existing buildings are built or retrofitted to zero carbon standards within the necessary timeframe? Are there plans to develop heat networks?
Energy Systems Catapult has produced a range of guidance under its Modern Partners programme which aims to demonstrate that it is possible for the public estate to achieve at least 50 per cent direct carbon emission reduction by 2032.
Doncaster Council used an £8.6M interest-free loan (filter for Doncaster council) to convert 45,000 street lights to LED and install a smart Central Management to cut their energy bills and reduce carbon emissions.
Stroud District Council is replacing gas boilers with heat pumps at two of its biggest buildings, including its headquarters, with an estimated annual saving of up to 156 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions across the two sites.
Buildings and facilities managers will need support and training to ensure they know how to manage buildings to ensure carbon emissions are minimized.
2. Social housing: are there plans to retrofit council-owned homes to bring them up to the highest energy efficiency standards; and to replace heating with low carbon options?
The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has produced a Retrofit Policy Playbook designed to guide local authorities through setting up plans and programmes for housing retrofit.
The London Borough of Enfield (PDF) is retrofitting eight tower blocks with the installation of low carbon ground source heat pumps in 400 flats. The heating upgrade is expected to result in residents’ energy bills reducing by 30-50 per cent.
Tenants should be involved in decisions about changes to their home and should be provided with information and support in the use of any new heating systems and controls.
3. Social housing: are new council homes (or homes built on council land) being built to be Net Zero?
LETI (the London Energy Transformation Initiative) has produced a design guide [21] which outlines the requirements of new buildings to ensure our climate change targets are met.
An ultra-low energy, award winning social housing scheme of almost 100 houses was developed to Passivhaus standards for Norwich City Council. This has the double benefits of massively reducing carbon emissions from heating and delivering significant savings on heating bills for residents. (See also the Exeter example in section 3.2.5.)
The council teams commissioning the design and construction of the new council housing need to engage with the procurement teams at an early stage to build Net Zero carbon requirements into the design and construction briefs.
4. Transport: are there plans for decarbonising the council’s own transport, for example by minimising the need to travel and by switching vehicles to EVs?
Leeds’ Fleet Replacement programme [25] is designed to identify the lowest emission vehicle available when existing fleet vehicles need to be replaced. Where possible, this means electric vehicles (EVs) as the default option.
Ensure staff understand and following a hierarchy of transport modes, ranked in order of carbon impact (eg zero carbon – walking and cycling; very low carbon – public transport; low carbon – electric vehicle; high carbon – private combustion engine vehicle).
5. Land use: is the council managing its land in a carbon-friendly way?
The countryside charity CPRE has produced a report on Reviving County Farms (PDF) [26] which includes some information on opportunities relating to the climate emergency.
Dorset Council’s costed climate action plan includes 187 actions to make the council’s own operations Net Zero by 2040 and those of the whole area by 2050. 95 actions will require additional funding of £127m over the next 20 – 30 years. Actions range from installing renewable energy to trialling hydrogen in heating, installing heat pumps, reducing fertiliser use, working with County Farm tenants to introduce low-carbon farming practices, requiring zero carbon buildings, considering sustainable transport for developments, conserving biodiversity, planting woodland and installing EV charge points. This plan will be consulted on with the community. A RAG system has been used to assess CO2 reduction/ecological enhancement, value for money £/tCO2, urgency and deliverability.
Councils should consult widely in their community and with local bodies on the role county farms should play in addressing the climate and ecological emergencies and delivering benefits to the local community.
6. Waste; is the council taking action to minimize emissions from waste, including through observation of the waste hierarchy (reduce, reuse, recycle)?
The charity WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) has a range of guidance for local authorities.
Cheshire West and Chester’s bulky waste collection service is managed by two key furniture reuse organisations, Changing Lives in Cheshire and Revive. With the aim of diverting up to 95 per cent of bulky items from landfill, its responsive collections allow residents to reuse and recycle bulky items.
Vale of White Horse District Council has achieved 63 per cent of household waste being sent for re-use, recycling and composting. The council has used innovative digital forms of education to engage with residents in lockdown to ensure these high levels are maintained, including collaborative videos and an online recycling quiz.
63.3 per cent of household waste was sent for re-use, recycling and composting
Include waste minimisation messages in climate emergency, public health and resilient recovery communications.
7. Investments: is the council ensuring its investments are climate friendly?
In 2016, the London Borough of Waltham Forest became the first UK local authority to announce it would divest its pension funds away from oil, gas, or coal stocks over the course of a five-year period. By 2019, this had resulted in a 44 per cent reduction in the estimated value of the fossil fuel stocks held by the council.
Any change to a council’s pension scheme will require consultation with staff.
8. Finance: is the council looking at innovative ways of financing climate action?
Bristol City LEAP will establish a joint venture between the City Council and a strategic partner to deliver more than £1 billion of investment towards Bristol becoming a zero-carbon, smart energy city by 2030.
West Berkshire Council issued the first Community Municipal Investment through a Bond offer raising over £1 million from 600 investors, a fifth from the local area, to finance solar, LED lighting, cycling routes and environmental investments.
Councils can raise funding for and from their community through Community Municipal Bonds (as described above).
3.2.3 Place shaping
One of the most powerful levers that local authorities have to cut carbon is through their role in place shaping. Local authorities have a range of statutory duties and powers that shape the local area through its buildings, transport systems, waste services and natural environment. Many local authorities are using their powers creatively to help deliver their decarbonisation programmes.
When your council is commissioning work relating to place making, such as to develop regeneration plans or development of a town-centre masterplan, there needs to be a requirement in the briefs for the plans that they will demonstrate how they will contribute to Net Zero targets. Many plans will have medium to long term delivery timescales, so it is essential that Net Zero is one of the key elements considered.
As well as having a crucial role to play in place shaping for Net Zero through their statutory processes, local authorities also have a key role to play through engaging with their businesses, communities and individuals on local placemaking plans, issues and delivery. Hence, sustainable place shaping should involve all of those in the local area with a professional or personal interest in the natural and built environment. Spatial planning
Local planning authorities have the potential to secure sustainable, well-adapted, low emissions developments that are well-connected to bus routes and walking and cycling networks. In an ideal world, energy planning and spatial planning would be integrated. In addition, Combined Authorities and County Councils can influence emissions through wider spatial planning policies and guidance. Planning new buildings
(Please note that council-owned buildings, including housing, are covered above under ‘direct control’).
Local Planning Authorities set the policies that define the need for development and acceptable standards for new developments. Current powers in place mean they can set higher energy efficiency standards than the minimum required by current Building Regulations and requirements for renewable energy. Several local authorities require larger developments to meet conditions on energy consumption and emissions.
Local authorities also have a duty to enforce the minimum standards required by the Building Regulations through Building Control. This is important, as it helps to ensure that the levels of energy efficiency and renewable energy in the plans for new buildings are actually delivered when they are built.
New buildings should only be built in locations which are accessible by low/zero carbon means. This can often be addressed through site allocations during local plan development.
Zero carbon design guides need to be built into the planning policy and approval processes. An example of this is the LETI Climate Emergency Design Guide, which provides guidance on five key areas (operational energy, embodied carbon, the future of heat, demand response and data disclosure) for four types of building (small scale residential, medium/large scale residential, commercial offices, and schools). Existing buildings
Reducing carbon emissions from existing buildings, and particularly homes, represents one of the biggest challenges facing the UK in the transition to Net Zero. Homes account for approximately 77 per cent of buildings’ heating emissions footprint and up to 85 per cent of today’s homes will still be in use in 2050 [xxviii]. Local authorities have limited influence over privately owned and rented homes but there is still considerable scope for action.
- Improving energy efficiency in private rented homes will be important in delivering Net Zero. Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards were introduced for this sector in 2018 as well as for commercial buildings; local authorities have a duty to enforce these.
- Local authorities also have duties to take action where there are risks within homes, as measured by the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS). This includes health hazards relating to damp and excess cold.
- A number of local authorities have taken a proactive approach to encouraging and enabling retrofit and renewable energy in private housing. This includes promoting government grants (such as the Green Homes Grant) and other sources of funding such as Energy Company Obligation (ECO) schemes, and actively participating in scheme delivery, including through the Local Authority Flex element of ECO [xxix]. Transport
Changing transport infrastructure and travel habits can not only reduce emissions but also lead to other co-benefits such as improved air quality and health. The following are key considerations for action that can be taken to move towards Zero carbon:
- Ensure that policies and plans support walking and cycling (also known as ‘active travel’) and public transport. Local Plans and Transport Plans should aim to encourage people to walk, cycle or use public transport rather than to use cars. New developments should prioritise walking and cycling infrastructure at the master planning stage and should be well-linked to viable public transport routes. Planning policy can set maximum (rather than minimum) limits on car parking spaces for developments or even require car-free development.
- Infrastructure should be developed to support active travel and improve the experience for active travellers. Green infrastructure should be incorporated, where it can improve air quality and reduce noise levels.
- As mentioned above, development sites should be allocated only where access to these is by low/zero carbon emission means.
- Low/zero carbon emission road transport should also be supported through measures such as the provision of electric vehicle charging points and ensuring there is equitable access to these, particularly for residents who are unable to charge an electric vehicle at home.
- Mechanisms should also be put in place to support public transport to become low/ zero carbon emission.
There are a number of other policy levers that local authorities can introduce that will support a move to zero carbon, such as: introducing Air Quality Management Areas; introducing Clean Air Zones which require drivers of polluting vehicles to pay a charge; imposing speed limits (eg 20 mph zones); introducing parking charges including a workplace parking levy; restricting traffic in certain areas or at certain times (Traffic Regulation Orders); taxi licensing only for electric taxis and private hire vehicles; and the potential to re-regulate buses [vii]. Land use
Land use and land use change has a key role to play in reducing carbon emissions. Actions such as peatland restoration, tree planting and low carbon farming methods can help reduce carbon emissions and may also help reduce flooding.
Local authorities are a key stakeholder in the management of land, impacting emissions from land-use, land-use change, forestry and agriculture. Local authorities work closely with farming communities and landowners on a range of land management issues, whilst Local Planning Authority policy affects land-use related emissions encompassing development, public access to green space and tree-cover.
Examples of how local authorities can take action and influence land-use include:
- Directly through carbon reduction measures on their own estate (covered under ‘Direct control’, above).
- Through service delivery, such as Highways functions, relating to tree maintenance, verge cutting and street trees.
- Through planning policy on land use and land-use change, green belt protection, tree cover, development and access to green space. It is important to consider biodiversity gains as part of habitat protection. Engagement with landowners and the farming community on these is key.
- Local authorities’ also have a wide range of other powers and duties that can be deployed to support carbon reduction across environment and wildlife protection, public access and rights of way, heritage and archaeology.
Place shaping - questions to ask
Spatial planning: is zero carbon a key consideration for new developments or for regeneration of existing sites/areas?
West Oxfordshire District Council and Oxfordshire County Council are working together with the local community to develop a new Net Zero garden village. An Energy Plan (PDF) has been produced, which sets out principles and targets to achieve Net Zero. This will guide subsequent energy master-planning by addressing building energy use and energy supply from the outset.
The council team commissioning the place-based plans need to engage with the procurement teams at an early stage to build these requirements into the briefs. In two tier council areas the Transport Authority and Planning Authority teams need to be part of the project team at an early stage to ensure consideration of and co-ordination of travel planning for Net Zero.
2. New buildings: does the council require new buildings to be lower carbon than the level specified in the current Building Regulations?
The UK Green Building Council has produced a New Homes Policy Playbook designed to help local authorities drive up standards in new homes.
Milton Keynes Council policy SC1 includes a number of requirements relating to energy and requirement. This includes, for developments of >10 dwellings or >1000m2 non-residential, that development must achieve: a 19 per cent carbon reduction above Building Regulations requirements; renewable energy generation that contributes to a further 20 per cent reduction in the residual carbon emissions; and financial contributions to the council's carbon offset fund to enable any residual carbon emissions to be offset by other local initiatives.
Local authorities should engage with key stakeholders including developers when introducing new planning policies.
3. Existing buildings: is the council working with others to develop plans to support retrofit and renewable energy measures in the private sector?
UK Green Building Council has produced a Retrofit Playbook to support local authorities in the development of initiatives to enable retrofit in private housing.
Warmer Sussex is a not-for-profit organisation, partnering with Hastings Borough Council and a range of community organisations and fully vetted local tradespeople to help the people of Sussex make their homes more energy efficient.
Solar Together London is a group-buying programme involving a partnership between local authorities and iChoosr which enables households and small businesses to install solar panels on their homes at an affordable price.
Local authorities can set up partnerships with large landlords in the local area to encourage them to commit to Net Zero and improve the energy performance of their stock.
4. Is the council working with others to improve skills levels of building design and construction professionals for energy efficient retrofitting?
South Lakeland District Council have provided funding to Cumbria Action for Sustainability over a number of years to support the transition to zero carbon for businesses, residents and communities across the district. One element of this has been to develop the skills of building construction and design professionals in how to deliver energy efficient retrofitting.
Involve local building construction and design industry membership bodies in training development and promotion.
5. Land use: is the council managing its service delivery in a carbon and nature-friendly way?
Shropshire County Council cut a limited width of most rural verges only once a year. By keeping the width of cutting to a minimum, the remaining verge area can provide an important habitat for wildflowers and wildlife.
3.2.4 Procurement and commissioning
The commissioning, procuring and managing of contracts by local authorities offers considerable scope for achieving carbon reduction. Local government third party expenditure totals around £60 billion a year (revenue alone). By encouraging and enabling their supply chains to become more carbon efficient, councils will be helping their suppliers to become better placed to thrive in our future low carbon economy. Strategy
Councils’ procurement strategies should reflect their climate emergency declarations and targets. Carbon emissions that relate to goods and services procured by councils are classed as ‘Scope 3’ emissions. Councils have taken different approaches to whether they include Scope 3 emissions within their Net Zero targets. Some, like Cheshire East (below) are including emissions from their procured activities within their Net Zero targets. Waste hierarchy
Applying principles of the waste hierarchy and circular economy to procurement strategies will help to minimise carbon emissions whilst also cutting cost. This would include interrogating all procurement decisions to establish whether they are absolutely necessary. (If you don’t need to buy, you will save money and carbon.) Data
Most councils do not yet have comprehensive data on the carbon emissions arising from their procurement categories; a standardised methodology for capturing such data has not yet been developed. However, a fairly simple qualitative assessment can be undertaken to identify carbon ‘hotspots’. This will help councils focus effort where it will deliver the most positive outcomes and helps to prioritise practical actions and engagement with colleagues and the council’s supply chain. For example, in many councils, hotspots may include building developments, waste, facilities, highways investments and IT contracts. Incorporating Net Zero pathways into any new contracts in these areas will avoid locking in carbon emissions in the medium and long term. Councils can work in collaboration with prioritised suppliers to identify how emissions could be reduced, whether this can be measured and opportunities for innovation (which will be necessary to achieve ‘Net Zero’). Social value measurement
Local authorities are using The Social Value Act 2012 to deliver emissions reductions through procurement. This Act requires councils to consider the social, economic and environmental impact of contracts and how they can best benefit the local community. A National Social Value Measurement Framework, overseen by the National Social Value Taskforce, offers a flexible, option-based framework for procurement. It is designed to offer a consistent measurement solution supported by evidence and allows for benchmarking across and between sectors. A set of carbon reduction measures has recently been introduced as part of the framework, alongside other measures relating to other environmental benefits as well as jobs and skills. Councils can select the elements of the framework that match their priorities. Communication and engagement
Cutting carbon through procurement and commissioning will take time, but councils can signal their intent to their supply chain and thus help them prepare for new carbon reduction requirements that might form part of future tendering processes. It’s important that any carbon reduction requirements don’t make it difficult for local Small and Medium Enterprises to bid for contracts. Councils can work in partnership with Local Economic Partnerships and others to offer support and advice to SMEs on how to cut their carbon footprint, thus helping to put them into a strong position for future contracts. Work with local suppliers to help them decarbonise their businesses can form a central element of the green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Councils can then use their contract management processes to ensure that suppliers are delivering against their commitments in relation to carbon reduction and other social value.
Providing climate literacy training to all staff working in procurement, commissioning and contract management will help to embed carbon reduction priorities and enable staff to identify and capitalise on carbon reduction opportunities. Offering this training to key partners within the supply chain will support suppliers to respond to requirements for them to become more carbon efficient.
Procurement and commissioning - questions to ask
1. Has the council’s procurement strategy been updated to reflect the council’s carbon reduction/climate emergency objectives? Does the strategy refer to following the waste management hierarchy?
The LGA has published a guide to green procurement for councils.
Hackney published its sustainable procurement strategy in 2018. This includes a key objective of cutting carbon alongside a host of other social values.
Cheshire East Council (PDF) has defined its own carbon footprint by scope and by the level of control the council has over the emissions. Direct control relates to the council’s Scope 1 & 2 emissions (<1 per cent of the area’s emissions). Stronger and medium control includes a portion of Scope 3 emissions and includes schools, waste, business travel, employee commuting and procurement activities. Together this makes up 3 per cent of the area’s emissions, of which 93 per cent is from procurement. Council members agreed that emissions caused by such procured activities should be included in their targets with action taken to cut these emissions.
Have the council’s procurement, commissioning and contract management staff received ‘carbon literacy’ training so that they understand their role in helping the council meet its Net Zero targets? The Carbon Literacy Trust has received funding from BEIS to produce carbon literacy training materials designed for different functions within local authorities.
2. Have procurement ‘hotspots’ been identified in terms of carbon emissions?
The Government has published a set of sustainable procurement guidance including a prioritisation tool which can help identify which areas offer the greatest potential in terms of carbon reduction.
Hull City Council has set a 2030 target for being carbon neutral target. The Council’s consumption emissions are responsible for 6 per cent of the city’s total carbon emissions. The top six categories of expenditure are responsible for 85 per cent of these emissions, with ‘Works’ accounting for 26 per cent. Enabling and supporting the business sector is a priority for the council and the procurement team is working with suppliers to embed social value into procurement [xxx].
Has your council extended its carbon literacy programme to key contractors and suppliers within these hotspots?
3. Is the council engaging with its current and potential supply chain on its carbon reduction ambitions?
The LGA has produced guidance on green procurement.
The leader of Sutton Council wrote to all its key stakeholders soon after the council declared a climate emergency: “I am writing to urge you to join us and play your part in reducing carbon emissions. I invite your organisation to join us in declaring a climate emergency and to set out the actions you will take to reduce your organisation’s carbon emissions.”
A coalition of local authorities in the North East are delivering the ‘BEST’ project to help SMEs in their area to reduce energy use and costs, making them better placed to win contracts that required evidence of carbon reduction activity.
3.2.5 Showcasing
Councils can act as a powerful role-model for their area, leading the way to Net Zero. They can demonstrate how an organisation can transition towards net-zero and can also test out and demonstrate innovative approaches.
Through the Net Zero Innovation Programme [xxxi], the LGA is working with universities to not only introduce them to their local councils, but to expand partnership networks across the whole country. This brings together partnerships of researchers and climate change officers from councils across England for an initial period of twelve months. The cohort is supported and facilitated by University College London and the Local Government Association to work collaboratively as a group and in smaller teams to define and co-create challenges and develop projects that could begin to address these.
Showcasing – questions to ask
1. Is the council leading on or involved in piloting new approaches to achieving Net Zero? Do these cover renewable energy, transport, new build, retrofit; and smart energy?
Renewable energy: Warrington Borough Council has invested £60m to build 60MW of solar generation (enough to supply around 10,000 homes) and a 27MW battery in the Warrington Solar (PDF) project. This is an ambitious subsidy free renewable project which demonstrates what can be achieved in a no-subsidy environment by a local authority with ambition and the correct partners. The investment is forecast to produce significant returns to the council over the project lifetime.
Transport: Transport for Norwich, a partnership between the County Council and City Council plus local authorities within Greater Norwich, is a programme of work to encourage the use of more sustainable forms of transport. Projects include a new bike share scheme with the use of parklets – small landscaped areas with seating and planting which contribute to the greening of the city and create a more enjoyable outdoor space for the whole community.
Battery storage: South Somerset District Council owns the largest council-owned battery storage installation, 40MW. The batteries store excess renewable energy production at low usage periods, that would otherwise be wasted, and resupply it to the grid when needed at peak times. Working with Kiwi Power, the batteries provide balancing services to National Grid thus generating revenue for the council.
Retrofit: Councils can play an important role in demonstrating new approaches to whole-house retrofit by running pilot projects on their housing stock. Nottingham City Homes (an ALMO of the Council) was the first social housing provider to undertake whole house ‘energiesprong’ retrofits of some of their properties. This pilot project helped identify ways to speed up time on site and reduce costs for the rollout of this approach to more housing.
New build: Exeter City Council has developed new homes built to the exceptionally low-energy Passivhaus standard, helping to cut carbon emissions in the city while reducing fuel poverty for residents. The homes, have been built by the council’s own development company Exeter City Living.
District energy: Gateshead Energy Company is the operator of the Gateshead District Energy Scheme, both of which are owned by Gateshead Council. The scheme provides low-cost, low-carbon heat and power to homes, public buildings and businesses across the centre of Gateshead. Becoming part of Flexitricity’s demand response network means the project will receive in excess of £60,000 per year over the next 15 years, simply by using its flexibility to smooth out peaks and troughs in national electricity demand.
3.2.6 Partnerships The benefits of partnership working
The most effective way for local authorities to tackle climate change is in partnership with a range of other organisations. Benefits of partnership working can include:
- Sharing resources to deliver all the work that needs to be done.
- Sharing ideas and expertise.
- Access to different funding streams.
- Effective routes to communicate with the people you are trying to reach. Types of partnership
Partnerships may be strategic or may be formed simply to deliver a specific project. A project partnership has value if it helps you to achieve project aims that would otherwise be impossible if it increases the cost-effectiveness of project delivery. Such partnerships may be relatively short-lived and can require relatively little effort to set up. Strategic partnerships tend to last longer and take more effort to establish and maintain. But they usually can provide greater support for the achievement of long-term goals. Types of partner
One often overlooked source of partners is within the council itself. For example, planners and sustainability officers can work together to ensure that proposals from developers meet Net Zero carbon planning policies to the maximum degree possible.
Partnerships between local authorities have driven some of the most successful initiatives to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable and low carbon technologies. These partnerships can be within one tier of local government and also across tiers. For some climate related issues, like increasing the sustainability of the transport system or waste strategies, cross-tier partnerships – involving county and district councils - can be vital. Local energy planning is also an area where collaboration between neighbouring authorities will lead to more coherent solutions. Multi-authority partnerships can devote more staff time to developing funding bids and to managing projects than a single authority working alone. Partnerships can also share costs of things like training sessions or information campaigns.
Partnerships between more than one local authority will often require working across party political as well as geographical boundaries. This may be easier and more effective if the council already works cross-party internally on climate change.
Other local public sector organisations, including the health service, fire and police services, can be vital partners for activities that need engagement with individual citizens if they are to succeed. These organisations are often already trusted by people in the local area and therefore can be very effective in communicating the key messages that the council needs people to hear. They often come into contact with some of the most vulnerable local residents and so can help to make sure that everyone is aware of local projects.
There are voluntary and community groups operating in most local areas that are focused on tackling climate change. They are likely to be interested in working with a local authority on local projects. They can provide expertise and a trusted communication route between the local authority and their members.
Commercial partners have a role to play in many climate actions. At the simplest level, they can supply funding for an initiative, for example as part of a wider scheme or in the form of bulk discounts for technologies being installed through a local project. Local businesses may be keen to take part in local awareness-raising programmes to help their employees take action on energy use and carbon emissions. Larger businesses in the local area may want to work on climate action as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility activity.
One option for engaging with commercial partners is via your Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). These bring together local businesses, academic organisations and councils, and focus on economic development in the local area. Working through LEPs to green the local economy can help to ensure that climate action brings economic benefits for the local community. It can also help bring local authorities under different political control together to exert greater influence at the national level.
Partnerships – questions to ask
1. Does your council encourage officers from different departments or teams to work together to deliver cross-cutting aims? Does it have a cross-party working group of Councillors to ensure action to cut carbon is considered across all council functions?
Do you include appropriate cross-department working as a Performance Indicator for senior managers in the council?
2. Has your council considered working with neighbouring authorities and other local partners on climate action?
Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council worked together to establish a Zero Emissions Zone in Oxford; this sets a path to zero transport emissions in the city by 2035.
The Suffolk Climate Change Partnership brings together Suffolk’s local authorities, the Environment Agency, Groundwork Suffolk, the University of Suffolk and a range of other local organisations. The aim is to help Suffolk’s residents and businesses to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to the future impacts of climate change. In 2019 all the local authorities in the partnership declared a ‘climate emergency’, and the partners are now working together with the aspiration of making the county of Suffolk carbon neutral by 2030.
3. Does your council work with local health sector organisations to make sure that projects are reaching everyone?
The Health Protection Agency’s evaluation of the Warm Homes, Healthy People Fund includes a range of case studies showing how local authorities have worked with the health sector and others to improve energy efficiency in the homes of vulnerable people.
London’s SHINE network brings together local authorities, the NHS, the London Fire Brigade, charities and the private sector to identify and help households who are struggling to heat their homes. The scheme grew from a partnership between the council and frontline health professional in Islington.
Have you considered running training courses for health professionals to help them identify patients who could benefit from referral to home energy efficiency schemes?
4. Is your council working in partnership with others to ensure that training is provided in the growing low carbon economy?
The LGA has produced a range of resources for local authorities related to Local Green Jobs to support them in planning a green recovery following the COVID-19 crisis.
Norfolk County Council, Suffolk local authorities and the Education and Skills Funding Agency have jointly funded the East of England Offshore Wind Skills Centre, which opened in Great Yarmouth in 2018. It’s a collaborative regional training and competence facility that will support local people wishing to reskill and gain sustainable employment in the offshore wind industry on the New Anglia Energy Coast.
4. Has your council considered setting up a local climate change partnership, involving a wide range of public and private sector organisations from the local area, to help drive local climate action?
Bristol has established a series of ‘One City’ Boards to work together to deliver the city’s plan. This includes an Environment Board, which has responsibility for oversight of climate change aims, and includes representatives from the council, the NHS, statutory public bodies, local community organisations, utilities and other businesses with interests in the city. The Board is supported by the work of a local Climate Change Commission.
Have you considered involving key local stakeholders in co-designing your climate action plan, involving them from the start of the process to encourage them to support its delivery?
Further information and guidance
3.2.7 Involving, engaging, communicating, influencing
A large proportion of the impact that local authorities can have on carbon emissions is through their ability to influence the actions that others take. Setting the standard
A pre-requisite for successfully encouraging others to take action is setting a standard for them to follow. Councils can do this by demonstrating their own corporate commitment (for example, by declaring a climate emergency); by taking action on emissions from the council’s own estate and operations; by developing and implementing supporting polices that enable others to act (for example through local land use and transport policies), and by offering exemplars (council buildings, schools and community buildings can all be used here). These actions are discussed in more detail in previous sections on ‘Direct Control’ and ‘Showcasing’. Engaging the wider community
There are many different ways that a council can communicate with and engage the local community. Councils have traditionally provided information (for example through messages in regular council communications) and consulted with local residents and businesses (through statutory consultations on proposals and plans that the council has developed).
Councils are increasingly working more directly with people to understand their views and ideas on climate action, through the partnerships discussed in the previous section. Co-design, where the council works with local people and interest groups to design programmes and projects, is also being used by some local authorities. Councils may also decide to empower the community, handing over the power to others to design and deliver solutions.
Communicating and engaging with local communities, businesses and partners on Net Zero will maintain a mandate for action and will also help to mobilise the community to get involved in carbon reduction initiatives.
Involving, engaging, communicating, influencing – questions to ask
1. Is your council using its own actions as an example to others?
Nottingham City Council is working with Energiesprong to refurbish social housing in the city to a very high level of energy performance. The programme won a 2019 Ashden award, leading to publicity that spread information about the innovative scheme to a wide audience, in the local area and beyond.
Have you considered running a competition for council departments on the best communication of effective climate actions? Entries could form the basis of exemplars to communicate to the wider community.
2. Is your council communicating and engaging with local communities, businesses and partners on Net Zero?
C40 Cities has produced a guide for cities on inclusive community engagement on climate action. Though aimed at cities, there is useful content for all councils.
C40 Cities have suggested that climate action plans should include engagement with the community and stakeholders. They have included videos of mayors of Bogota, Cape Town, New York City, Paris, Portland and Seoul, explaining why climate change and social inequality should be tackled together.
2. Have you considered convening a Citizens Climate Assembly?
Brent Council convened a Climate Assembly (PDF), made up of 50 citizens from the Borough who were selected by independent experts to reflect the diversity within the borough. Residents who were not part of the Assembly were able to submit their views on relevant issues via an online survey. A series of workshops involving the assembly resulted in a series of recommendations for the council, which will be considered as the Council develops its sustainability strategy.
3. Does the council have a new development or regeneration project that it could co-design with local residents to be carbon neutral?
The European Atelier Positive Energy Districts programme is developing guidance and examples of how local authorities can work with their communities to co-design urban transformation projects that deliver carbon neutral districts.
Copenhagen council is creating a Positive Energy District as it redevelops a disused area in its North Harbour. A key focus will be on involving citizens and businesses in the development of the area. An association is being formed, which any citizen can become a member of, to help to shape and influence what happens in the area.