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Save local services

Councils are facing an inflationary storm. Without Government action, councils face difficult choices such as raising council tax alongside cutting the local services our communities – and economy – rely on.

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Local government is the fabric of our country. It provides more than 800 services and positively impacts the daily life of every person in every community.  

However, despite additional funding this year council finances are under strain like never before.  

If nothing changes councils are facing a funding gap of £4 billion over the next two years.

We need a long-term plan from Government.

Inflation is not going to come down overnight. Reserves can only be spent once. A local service cannot be cut twice.

To save the local services we all rely on, councils urgently need adequate funding to meet the demand for services.  

Just as important, councils need certainty and more clarity on financial reform to plan their budgets.  

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Media and briefings for 2023