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LGA responds to ASH letter to Prime Minister

Councils are at the heart of efforts to create a new smokefree generation and it is important the Government introduce these measures at the earliest possible opportunity.

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Responding to a report by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) into the impact of council stop smoking services, Cllr Kaya Comer-Shwartz, Vice-Chair of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board said:

“As this survey recognises, despite funding pressures, stop smoking services have helped to transform the lives of those who have used them and efforts to cut the rate of smoking are very important to councils across the country.

“Smoking remains one of the leading causes of preventable ill health, disability, and death in England and council cessation services need long term funding so they can ramp up their work in local communities.

“Councils are at the heart of efforts to create a new smokefree generation and it is important the Government introduce these measures at the earliest possible opportunity.”