
The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA: Government agrees to consultative rights for local government post Brexit

Local government currently has a formal advisory role in the EU law and policy-making process through its membership of the EU Committee of the Regions. This formal involvement in law-making has ensured that EU laws are improved by the experience of those at the frontline of delivery. The LGA, together with the local government associations in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, have been in discussion with the UK Government about how this advisory role might be replicated in UK law. Our shared ambition is to replicate the advisory role of local government in the UK post-exit, without

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LGA: Government urged to clarify access to vital infrastructure funding post-Brexit

The Government should set out how it will make equivalent lending alternatives to the European Investment Bank available in England after Brexit, the Local Government Association says today.

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LGA: health and wellbeing boards are achieving their goal

The report, based on 22 effective HWBs across the country, shows the boards are driving health and social care integration and making sure that prevention is at the heart of this - helping to keep people well in the first place, rather than managing ill health better.

covid tester in a mask holding a vial

LGA: In remembrance of the 100,000 lives lost to COVID-19

“This tragic milestone is a heartbreaking reminder of how many people have lost their lives to this dreadful disease and the terrible toll it has placed on family and friends.”

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LGA: Increase fly-tipping fines to act as suitable deterrent

“We are eager to work with government to update its sentencing guidelines to ensure that those caught and prosecuted for fly-tipping receive significant fines that help to offset the huge costs to councils and ensure they never offend again.”

nurse administers a vaccine

LGA: Local government must be able to lead shoulder-to-shoulder with NHS on COVID-19 vaccination drive

The LGA said the Government and NHS must utilise the knowledge and experience of directors of public health when it comes to distributing a potential COVID-19 vaccine.

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Environment - Air pollution

LGA: Local leadership crucial in climate change challenge

“By working in partnership with government, councils can continue to shape their local areas to help achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner.”

Shoppers walking through a bustling high street 1000x500

LGA: Local services will cost at least £8bn more by 2024, which cannot be funded by council tax alone

“If we are to come out of this pandemic with a society that is truly levelled up, the vital services that councils provide must be at the heart of it."

School children

LGA: Make school-based counselling available to all children to tackle rising child mental health issues

School-based counselling needs to be available and fully funded by the Government in all state funded secondary schools and academies to help support rising numbers of children and young people reporting mental health issues during COVID-19, the Local Government Association urges today.

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LGA: modern slavery referrals by councils soar ninefold

Referrals of potential victims of modern slavery made by councils have soared ninefold in five years, new figures show, highlighting the demands on local authority services already under significant pressure.

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