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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Your search returned 163 results

Carbon counting in Darlington

Grass verges, open land, woodland and individual trees have all been counted in an independent audit commissioned by Darlington Borough Council.

Somerset Council: Using Microsoft Copilot to improve productivity

Somerset Council took a pioneering step by launching a discovery project to explore Microsoft Copilot.

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North Yorkshire Council: Using AI to reimagine Children’s Social Care

North Yorkshire Council's successful proof-of-concept has positioned it at the forefront of AI-powered solutions for children's social care.

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Halton Borough Council: Digital front door in family hub services

Halton Borough Council has created a Digital Front Door into its Family Hub Services partnering with Beebot AI.

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Youth-Led Solutions: Cllr Claire Mascarenhas and St Neots' Mental Health Initiative

In response to rising mental health concerns and a lack of facilities for young people in St Neots, Cllr Claire Mascarenhas spearheaded a community-driven initiative. This included hiring a dedicated Youth Worker, involving young people in the recruitment process, and securing additional funding to further support local youth mental health needs.

Embedding a Mental Health Support Team in the Educational Psychology service.

Sutton’s Mental Health Support Team, embedded within the Educational Psychology service, builds strong connections with schools and support services to offer early intervention for mental health. The team also addresses parental anxiety and works to improve school attendance linked to mental health issues.

LG Inform Plus – Birmingham City Council

This case study highlights the work that Birmingham City Council has undertaken using LG Inform Plus. This includes their use of the direct data feed Application Programable Interface (API) which allows them to view and download open data about local areas.

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Transforming Sutton Council’s libraries offer

During 2023 to 2024, self-access technology was installed across Sutton’s libraries, extending opening hours by 63 per cent and enabling the council to keep all its eight libraries open. Self-access is popular with customers.

Implementing digital social care records: Case studies

These four case studies identify how barriers can be broken down by addressing cultural expectations and outcomes in systems, by focusing on partnerships, including strong delivery partnerships, by focusing on standards and expectations and by focusing on relationships that make everybody feel a part of something.