Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Housing Advisers Programme - Better futures for vulnerable people, Somerset

Frustrated at the rising numbers of vulnerable people struggling to access homes and support that met their needs, the Somerset Strategic Housing Group (SSHG) decided we needed to crack the problem. But where to start?

OPE: Deliver affordable housing on complex sites (Brighton)

Brighton is physically constrained with a short supply of vacant land for housing, coupled with high housing demand. With Land Release Funding and OPE support the local authority has unlocked a series of complex, unviable council-owned sites - and delivered 84 award-winning, affordable homes. Civic pride has increased and anti-social behaviour reduced from the regenerative effect.

View allOne Public Estate articles

Leicester City Council – involving local residents

Leicester City Council and its partners have used community involvement in regenerating housing and the neighbourhood on the Braunstone Estate

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Bristol – 20mph speed limits in areas of high health inequalities

Background The Marmot Review ‘Fair society, healthy lives' states that: "targeting [20 mph] zones in deprived residential areas would help lead to reductions in health inequalities".

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Darlington Borough Council – Open spaces strategy

Summary Planners at Darlington Borough Council have produced an Open Spaces strategy. It prioritises improving the quality of open spaces close to areas of multiple deprivation to help reduce health inequalities.

Cumbria: three large practice based commissioning (pbc) groups

In Cumbria, integrated care consortia have had “hard” budgets distributed to six localities since April. There are six GP consortia or localities, each covering roughly 100,000 residents, aligned with District Council boundaries.

Manchester, practice based commissioning (PBC) developed into three hubs

Manchester has some of the most challenging health problems in the country. Life expectancy is amongst the lowest in England, and compared with national averages people are more likely to die from cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease and accidents. There is a wide health gap between the city and the country as a whole.

Sheffield makes an annual saving of 21,000 tonnes of carbon emissions

Sheffield has one of the largest district energy networks in the UK, feeding leisure facilities, council buildings, universities and homes.

Active Family Challenge (Bristol City Council

The project context The Active Family Challenge was set up to encourage children away from the TV and computer and increase their physical activity levels. It was also designed to provide research for Bristol City Council into gaps in services. It aimed to find out whether focusing on the whole family would increase activity.