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Answers for some of the most frequently asked questions about Corporate Peer Challenge.
The strengthened approach – FAQs
Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) continues to be one of the most valued improvement and assurance tools the Local Government Association (LGA) offers to councils. The fact that it is sector-led is what makes it unique, special, and exclusive, and what makes it stand out from anything else available to local authorities.
Who else understands the challenges and opportunities facing councils better than fellow local government leaders and councillors, chief executives, directors, monitoring officers and section 151 officers? Together, you volunteer your time as peers to deliver CPCs and support improvement and assurance across the sector.
The strengthened CPC continues to be underpinned by the tried and tested peer-led approach the LGA has facilitated for many years. This is built on the principles of sector led improvement which states that local authorities are: Responsible for their own performance. Accountable locally not nationally and have a collective responsibility for the performance of the sector.
What are the changes that have been made?
- As part of improving our CPC we have reviewed and amended the five core areas of assessment for every CPC with an increased focus on performance and productivity across the areas of local priorities and outcomes; organisational and place leadership; governance and culture; financial planning and management and capacity for improvement.
- The CPC process now has a much stronger focus on finance, data and evidence, utilising the LGA’s LG Inform local area benchmarking tool to assess council performance and the provision of an independent finance briefing. The approach fully reflects the work on the LGA’s Improvement and Assurance Framework for Local Government and considers the current challenges to the sector and the draft statutory guidance for best value authorities, ‘Best Value Standards and Intervention’.
- We have invested in our peers through a new programme of training, development, and accreditation for LGA Member and Officer Peers. With each peer team being independent and will always include a minimum of two Member Peers that are from parties that reflect the administration and opposition of the council.
- To support the commitment for all councils to have a CPC every five years, we have introduced an improved approach to scheduling and planning for CPCs. The LGA’s chair and group leaders will write to councils in good time as a reminder, and information is now included in the LGA’s annual membership pack.
- A new more robust approach to CPC reports which is more authoritative and direct in content, with councils invited to correct factual errors or inaccuracies. Increased openness and transparency with an understanding that the LGA and the council will publish the CPC report alongside an action plan.
- There is a requirement to have a peer led progress review no later than twelve months after the CPC to provide an opportunity to review the council's action plan and assess progress being made.
- Each CPC now has an improved approach to risk management and the delivery of CPCs to high priority councils, including working with the Office for Local Government to support the local government sector to be as efficient and effective as possible and to ultimately deliver the best possible outcomes for citizens.
- A small cohort of both LGA officer and member peers is being established to enable the rapid response to high priority CPCs to council’s that are deemed as ‘high risk’ or ‘challenged’.
If your question is not answered below, or you need any further information or assistance, contact contact the principal adviser for your region.