Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper
It is time of rapid, significant and complex legislative and structural change across health and social care. HWBs remain an enduring part of the system. Our free support in 2022/23 will focus on the evolving context for HWB Chairs, leaders and all local lead members engaged in the Integrated Care System (ICS) and Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) to: strengthen their role as place leaders, navigate the complex landscape, address leadership challenges and share learning, work collaboratively with the other HWBs in the ICS to align priorities and exert influence on the ICP, build strong partnerships both locally and in the wider system especially with the ICP, ensure the voice of councils and ‘place’ contributes to the interim Integrated Care Strategy by December 2022.
2022/23 support offer
Our support is aimed at:
- HWB Chairs or HWB Vice/Co- Chairs
- council Leaders
- portfolio holder/cabinet member for ASC
- portfolio holders/cabinet member for public health
- member holding another leadership role in the care and health landscape e.g. Chair or member on an ICP
- district members who chair a district HWB or are members of an ICP
Support for local political leaders with the Integrated Care System (ICS)- Virtual Action Learning Sets (ALSs)
The Health and Care Act 2022, introducing the Integrated Care System (ICS) presents a complex and rapidly evolving context for Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) chairs and all local lead members who may now be engaged in the ICS.
December 2022 is a key milestone, when the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) will publish its draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and HWB Chairs need to be ready to influence these. Also, a number of members are in the new position of Chair of the ICP and the relationship with HWBs and this role needs to be developed. There is no blueprint for how local political leaders should operate in this new landscape.
To best support members in this new environment, we are offering space to address live leadership challenges and to develop local solutions, in real time, via virtual action learning sets (ALS). By bringing together leading members in a virtual learning network, across an ICS footprint in this way, we will accelerate learning and readiness.
If you want to learn together in a virtual ALS with your peers, on your ICS footprint, or if you are an individual member who wants development support with an ICS role please get in touch. Contact [email protected]
Health and wellbeing in the Integrated Care System: political leadership masterclass
7 September 2022 18 Smith Square, London
A one day development session to provide an opportunity for delegates to come together in person to reflect, share learning and work through leadership challenges with peers, as well as hearing from some authoritative speakers. Full details: Health and wellbeing in the Integrated Care System: political leadership masterclass
This event is targeted at members from London, south east and south east. We plan 2 other sessions to be run in other parts of the country in the autumn.
One to One Mentoring HWB Chairs
Mentoring support for elected members is a key component of sector led improvement. Using the LGA’s tried and tested approach, as a HWB Chair you will matched with an experienced mentor from our political group offices. This offer is aimed at new HWB Chairs but more experienced Chairs are welcome to take up the offer to work through the new ICS landscape and the leadership challenges this poses. . If you would like to know more about having a mentor please contact [email protected]
Regional Member Networks (virtual)
Please register your interest at [email protected]
East Midlands HWB and NHS Trust Chairs Network
Next virtual network date is 22 September 2022.
Please register your interest at [email protected]
Useful information and links
- Getting in on the act-health-and-care-act-2022 – summary of what the act covers and how it impacts local government
- Health and Care Bill, Second Reading, House of Lords, 7 December 2021
- LGA response to "People at the heart of care: adult social care reform white paper"
- LGA response to "Health and social care integration: joining up care for people, places and populations"
- Must Know: Integrated health and care - How do you know your council is doing all it can to promote integration to improve health and social care outcomes at a time of change?