What are the characteristics of our cohort of children in care and care leavers?
Understanding the characteristics of children and young people is the first step to making sure that councils are able to act in their interests. The Children in Care team will have information on the children in the council’s care, including:
- age and length of time in care
- where children are currently living, including number of children placed out of area
- number of children in foster care, children’s homes or other settings (including residential schools, hospitals and custodial institutions)
- number of children awaiting adoption
- number of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
- placement stability
- accommodation and employment information about care leavers
- education information
- foreign national children in care.
The corporate parenting panel and children’s scrutiny committee should also receive information about social worker caseloads, to make sure that these are manageable and social workers are able to dedicate sufficient time to children.
Find out how this information compares to that of other councils in your statistical group, and to the national picture, and look at direction of travel to help spot trends and areas of concern. Everyone with a local authority email address has access to LG Inform, which provides a rich source of data for use by councils.
Do all of our councillors and officers know about their corporate parenting responsibilities?
Every councillor should have training on their corporate parenting role when first elected. It is every councillor’s responsibility to consider how new plans and policies might affect children in care, and to ask questions to ensure that those children are getting the best care, support and protection. Is corporate parenting discussed with officers during their induction to the council, and how is its profile maintained?
There are certain departments within a council that this will be particularly important for, such as education, housing, leisure and skills, but every part of the council needs to consider how its work impacts on children in care and care leavers. Look at how business plans and reports are structured – are officers proactively considering the needs of children in the council’s care, or could this be improved? How are the corporate parenting principles being applied?
Consider ways of raising awareness about the corporate parenting role, for example inviting all councillors to any celebration events, or inviting the children in care council to give feedback at Full Council or relevant committee meetings.
Do our partner agencies understand their role in supporting us as corporate parents?
Upper tier councils have a duty, under Section 10 of the Children Act 2004, to promote cooperation between local partners to improve the wellbeing of young people in the area. This includes:
- physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing
- protection from harm and neglect
- education, training and recreation
- the contribution made by young people to society
- social and economic wellbeing.
Relevant partners include district councils, the police, probation services, the NHS, schools and further education providers.
The participation of partners in work to promote the wellbeing of all children and young people is vital, and it’s important that they understand the specific needs of children in care so that these can be taken account of in their plans. For example, children in care and care leavers are more likely to need support with their mental health, so colleagues in the NHS will need to consider this, while close working with the police to protect children who are at risk of going missing or being exposed to child exploitation is essential. The phrase ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ is pertinent here; the council alone cannot provide all the support that a child in care needs, and all local services have a responsibility to keep children safe and well.
Consider how existing partnership forums, such as local safeguarding partnerships, health and wellbeing boards and crime and disorder partnerships, are taking account of the needs of children in care in their plans, and consider whether other partners might wish to support your ambitions for children in care and care leavers. For example, many councils are working in partnership with local businesses to provide support and opportunities for children in care and care leavers, from ringfenced apprenticeships and paid work experience, to discounted or free gym memberships.
How are we giving children and young people the chance to express their views, wishes and feelings? How do we know those are being acted on?
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Children Act 1989 state that every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. Children should be involved in developing their care plans and provided with advocates to help them do this wherever necessary. It is useful to also consider information about how the rights of children in care are positively promoted and upheld.
Likewise, care leavers need to be integral to the development of their pathway plans. Social workers make the necessary arrangements for this to happen, and IROs should ensure children and young people are listened to, and their views taken seriously. IROs should provide feedback on how well this is happening.
What arrangements are in place for children to have access to independent advocates and how many take this up? How are concerns raised through this service reported?
Most councils have established children in care councils, comprising any looked-after children and care leavers who want to take part (though some councils hold a separate care leavers’ forum, depending on what young people ask for); for councils that haven’t done so, it is worth considering this or an alternative method of feedback that’s appropriate for looked-after children in the area. They should be able to set the agenda so that they can talk about what matters to them, and they should also decide how they would like to engage with the corporate parenting panel – whether that’s through joint meetings, feeding back via a mediator, or something else.
Don’t forget, however, that not all children will want or be able to take part in group forums – there should be mechanisms set up to allow all children and young people to express their views in a way that they’re comfortable with.
Also consider how to engage with children with special educational needs and disabilities, or those who may face cultural or language barriers to engaging in feedback processes. In some cases, there may be safeguarding concerns about children with particularly complex needs being asked to take part in certain ways of giving feedback – there should be sensitive discussions between the children’s carers, advocates, the complex needs team, social workers and any other relevant professionals to find the best ways of engaging these children, who should still have the opportunity to say how they feel about their care.
Very young children may also find it harder to explain their wishes and feelings, and there will inevitably be children and young people who actively disengage from review meetings or feedback forums. Consider also those children placed out of area and at a distance. All looked-after children and care leavers have a right to be heard, and support must be put in place to give them that opportunity.
Review how feedback from children in care and care leavers is fed back to the whole council so that it can be factored into all relevant decisions – from housing and employment to education and public health.
Regardless of how feedback is collected, make sure that all children and young people (not just those who attend forums or participated in the feedback exercise) find out what has been done as a result of that feedback – show the young people that their voices are being heard, and changes are being made as a result.
How do we show children in our care that we have high aspirations for them?
The Children and Families Act 2014 places a duty on every children’s services authority in England to appoint a virtual school head (VSH) – an officer employed to make sure that the council’s duty to promote the educational achievement of its looked-after children is properly discharged. The VSH should also be an educational advocate for children in care and provide advice and guidance to support parents of previously looked after children.
The accompanying statutory guidance, ‘promoting the education of looked-after children and previously looked after children’, highlights that as corporate parents, councils should have high aspirations for the children they look after and ensure that all children in care have access to high-quality education that meets their needs.
Councils should be ambitious for every child in their care, working with and encouraging them to achieve their full potential, from overcoming early instability or trauma to progressing well in education, learning and training, to pursuing hobbies and developing their talents.
It’s important to recognise that children in care are likely to have had very different experiences to their peers, therefore they might be at very different stages at school to other children of the same age. Additionally, in 2022, 57.4 per cent of children in care had a special educational need, compared to 16.3 per cent of all children. Providing the appropriate support can help children begin to overcome earlier trauma and disadvantage, and research shows that children in care achieve better educational outcomes than children in need who stay at home, thanks to the protective factor of that care. The VSH will keep the council updated with how looked-after children are progressing in school, what support is provided to those with learning difficulties, and what action is being taken to help them reach their potential.
Children and young people thrive on recognition and reward, and it’s important to make sure that children in care receive this in the same way children in the rest of the population do. Award ceremonies, money for carers to take children for a celebration of a sports win, or a congratulations card from the lead member for a good school report or a special birthday will all help to reassure children that their efforts are recognised, supported and cared about.
As young people approach leaving care, they should be getting support from their social worker and a personal adviser to consider their future career options. The VSH can make sure that young people are encouraged to think ambitiously and are supported to get there.
Are we providing stable environments for children in our care?
Stability for children and young people is linked to improved mental health and educational attainment. It helps children to develop warm and positive relationships with secure attachments, feel safe and wanted, and develop a sense of belonging. Stability is important across placements, social workers and schools.
Nationally, the stability of placements has remained broadly stable over the past five years. While 55 percent of children in care had stayed in the same placement for at least two years in 2023, 1 in 10 children experienced high placement instability (three or more placements in one year).
That said, clearly statistics alone cannot be taken on face value. A child or young person should not stay in an unsuitable placement, while a change of social worker to one with a smaller caseload may ultimately be positive for the child – provided this is well managed.
It’s important that the council understands the reasons for any instability experienced by children, and takes action to limit this where it is not in their best interests.
What are we doing to look after the health and wellbeing of children in our care?
DfE and Department of Health statutory guidance, ‘promoting the health and wellbeing of looked after children’ sets out that the needs of children in care should be proactively considered in the joint strategic needs assessment and when commissioning health services. It is also emphasises that children in care should never be refused a health-related service, including a mental health service on the grounds of a placement being short-term or unplanned. Integrated Care Systems and health authorities have a duty to respond to requests by councils to carry out health assessments for children in their care.
The health and wellbeing board is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the JHWS. Particular issues to look out for include:
- mental health services – children in care are more likely to have a mental health difficulty than children in the general population. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence found that 45 per cent of children in care had emotional and mental health problems, compared to 10 per cent of children in the general population.
- sexual health and family planning services – young people who grew up in the care system are around 2.5 times more likely to become pregnant compared to other teenagers.
- drug and alcohol prevention services – a third of young people leaving care report problems with drugs or alcohol within a year.
Do children and young people have good access to services to support with these, and other health issues? How long are they typically waiting for support?
It’s important to remember that while many children in care will be happy and well-adjusted, some will have experienced significant trauma, others will have lived unstable home lives, and some may lack good support networks. It’s the responsibility of councils, as corporate parents, to work hard to tackle those issues and support the children in their care as they work to overcome difficulties that most children in the general population might never have to deal with.
As corporate parents, councillors will want to challenge any stigma and discrimination faced by children in care and care leavers, and to avoid perpetuating negative stereotypes. It is important that councillors believe in children and young people in care and care leavers, and fight their corner.
If a child has experienced one or more placement moves or social workers, it’s important that their health records are being monitored so that things like regular dental check-ups and standard vaccinations aren’t missed. Looked-after children should receive an annual health assessment (every six months for under-fives). It’s important that these are being carried out in a child-friendly way. Some children find these intrusive and feel they are unnecessary, so make sure they understand why they are taking place and that they know their right to opt out.
What are we doing to support children in care’s emotional needs and help them to build healthy, loving relationships?
A significant issue for looked-after children and care leavers is having a support network. If they aren’t able to rely on family, and if they’ve experienced multiple placement or school moves, they might not have had a chance to build up a network of their own. Look at what’s being done to help them develop relationships that will support them both now and when they leave care, and see what help is available locally – are there volunteer mentors or support groups, for example? All looked-after children should be offered the chance to have an independent visitor – a volunteer to befriend and support them consistently, providing a relationship with an adult who isn’t their carer or social worker. Having stable placements and social workers will also help children to feel more secure and help them learn to develop positive relationships.
It is important to respect the diversity and individual needs of children in care and care leavers, and to make sure that those needs are responded to appropriately. This includes catering for the cultural and religious needs of children, and support for children’s emotional wellbeing including, for example, issues around gender identity and sexuality.
Consider also issues like access to sports facilities and music lessons or other activities outside of school, which will contribute to a child’s wellbeing and sense of belonging. What happens to these if a child changes placement? Are care leavers helped to keep accessing activities to support their wellbeing? And what is the local offer for care leavers?
What are we doing to ensure that ensure our children in care are not unnecessarily criminalised?
With the growth of child criminal exploitation and county lines, it is important that as corporate parents, councils are doing all that they can to prevent children in care from being coerced or drawn into criminal activity. It is also important to ensure that children in care aren’t being unnecessarily criminalised for behaviour that they might not be if they were living at home.
Children in care are at higher risk of interacting with the criminal justice system, with more than 52 per cent of children in care having a criminal conviction by the age of 24, compared to 13 percent of children who have not been in care. It is important to find out the proportion of children looked after by your authority that are involved in the youth justice system, and find out how this has been changing over time. Are things improving, or is there more work to be done? Have the types of offence changed, or the profile of young people involved? What arrangements are in place to support children in care engage with restorative activities?
Research has also found children living in children’s homes are criminalised at excessively high rates compared to all other groups of children, including those in other types of care. Children living in children’s homes are more likely to be put in situations where they come into contact with the police. For example, children and young people report that the police are too often called out in situations where they likely wouldn’t be in a family setting, such as getting into verbal arguments, returning home late or exhibiting ‘challenging behaviours’ due to SEN or mental health difficulties.
All agencies including the local authority, care providers, the police, health services, Youth Justice Services and partners in the justice system should follow the national protocol on reducing unnecessary criminalisation of looked-after children and care leavers (2018) and have their own local protocol in place. The national protocol sets out best practice to keep care experienced young people out of the criminal justice system, through using restorative and diversionary approaches. It also promotes better understanding of the potential causes of offending and positive parenting in care. The protocol is clear that the police should not be called out for matters where a ‘reasonable parent’ would not have called the police, including to deal with low-level behavioural management.
The council’s corporate parenting panel should monitor the proportion of children in children’s homes who are involved with the youth justice system, find out what arrangements are in place to manage incidents in children’s homes, and work with and support officers to find out if improvements can be made.
More information can be found in our youth justice resource pack for councillors.
What are outcomes like for our care leavers?
As a corporate parent, it’s up to you to make sure that care leavers are getting the support they need to successfully transition into adulthood and lead happy and fulfilling lives.
Care leavers typically start living independently earlier than their peers, and unlike other young people they often don’t have family to fall back on. It’s therefore vital that they know that support is there for them to help overcome any challenges. Every area has to publish information on its local offer for care leavers. Councils can provide a range of discretionary support, ranging from guarantor and deposit schemes to help care leavers rent in the private rented sector, to council tax exemptions, financial support to attend university, help with driving lessons, free travel and free or discounted leisure memberships.
Consider how your local offer measures up against other comparable local authorities, and how it could be improved. The website ‘Care Leaver Local Offer’ collates every council’s offer in one place.
Every care leaver should have a pathway plan and the support of a personal adviser, up to the age of 25. However, support can be extended to older cohorts – for example, North Yorkshire Council have introduced an “always here" approach where, instead of ending support at 25, they continue to act as a corporate parent and provide support for those with care experience whenever they need it.
Work on the Pathway Plan should start well in advance of a young person leaving care and should be based on an assessment of their needs. It should consider the young person’s options for when they’ve left school, whether that’s further study or entering the world of work; what kind of accommodation will be suitable for them, and what additional support they may need.
What are the training, education and career destinations for care leavers in your area? For those aiming for university and further education, children in care should be getting support at school to help them achieve their potential, and the Virtual School Head will know what interventions are working best or could be expanded. It’s also important to look at pathway plans to see how children are reassured about university – it’s a scary prospect for most young people, so care leavers need to know how they’ll manage their finances, and where they can go during university holidays.
For those that don’t go on to university, how many are not in education, employment or training – and what is the council doing to improve that? Are the statistics getting better or worse? Find out how care leavers factor into your authority’s recruitment, skills and economic development strategies. Many councils offer ringfenced apprenticeships and internships for children in care and care leavers – check what’s already being provided or whether similar schemes could be established in your council.
For more information on support and outcomes for care leavers, please see our support for care leavers resource pack.
What proportion of young people leaving care are ‘staying put’ and ‘staying close?’
‘Staying put’ is an arrangement that allows a looked-after child to continue to live with their foster carer after their eighteenth birthday, when they cease to be ‘looked-after’ by the local authority. This can take place where both the young person and the carer want to enter a staying put arrangement.
A ‘staying put’ duty was introduced in the Children and Families Act 2014, which requires councils to monitor arrangements and provide advice and support (including financial) to the foster parent and young person to facilitate the arrangement until the young person reaches 21. Nationally, 31 per cent of former looked after children were still living with their foster carer at age 19 and 20 in 2023. It is important to consider what proportion of young people are ‘Staying put’ in your area, and the reasons for ‘staying put’ arrangements ending.
Staying close is a model for supporting young people leaving residential care, where councils provide a bespoke package of support and move-on accommodation.
Initially staying close was piloted in five local authority areas and an additional 15 councils were funded to introduce the offer in 2022-23. Independent evaluations have shown that where young people have been provided with staying close support it has had positive outcomes, including reducing the likelihood of eviction, improving wellbeing and increasing engagement in education, employment or training (EET).
The DfE has made funding available from 2023-25 to support councils that are not already delivering staying close to introduce an offer. The Government has also committed to bringing forward legislation to make staying close a national entitlement to support young people up until the age of 23.
Are we providing children in care with the right type of placements?
Every children's services council has a ‘sufficiency duty’, which states that it must take steps to secure, as far as possible, sufficient accommodation and support within its area to meet the needs of children that it is looking after.
For more information on placements, please see our placements resource pack.
How many children are placed out-of-area, and how are they being supported?
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to meeting the needs of individual children, and there are often very good reasons why some children are placed outside their home authority. This could be for their own safety, to place them near other family members or to access specialist services.
If your council is placing a higher proportion of children out of area than its statistical neighbours, or than it was two years ago, for example, it is important to ask why. Is this because the children need very specialist placements that can only be found elsewhere, or because there are not enough placements locally? If the latter, what is being done to improve this? If children are moved out of area, this may mean moving them away from their school, their friends and family, and the area they’re familiar with – it’s important that if that happens, it’s for the right reasons and that appropriate support is provided to help the young person manage that transition.
It can also be more difficult to ensure that children placed out-of-area receive the support they need, for example if they move to new waiting lists for mental health support, are a significant distance away for social workers to travel, or need a new school place. What do you know about how well children’s needs are being met when they are placed out-of-area?
How are we supporting unaccompanied asylum-seeking children?
While the duties owed to looked-after children apply equally to unaccompanied asylum-seeking (UAS) children, this cohort face particular challenges and can require specialised support as they settle into life in the UK. UAS children are a particularly vulnerable group; they are separated from their family, and many are able to speak little to no English on arrival. Many have faced abuse, mistreatment and unsafe conditions in their country of origin or on the journey to the UK, which can result in significant trauma and psychological distress. Some UAS children also may be victims of modern slavery or people trafficking.
Statutory guidance on the ‘care of unaccompanied migrant children and child victims of modern slavery’ sets out the steps local authorities must take to support UAS children, including those who have been trafficked. It covers specific issues relating to these children’s care, including age determination, modern slavery, the national transfer scheme, and the support they require to navigate the immigration system. Importantly, it sets out that everyone involved in the care of UAS children, including social workers, residential home staff, foster carers or support workers in semi-independent accommodation, should have access to training to recognise and understand the particular issues faced by these children.
For new arrivals, social workers might be among the first people UAS children meet in the UK and play a key role in finding out information about the child’s background – including why and how the child came to the UK – as well as assessing their immediate and long-term needs to plan their care. Enabling UAS children to be a part of the assessment process and involved in developing their care plan is particularly important. In most cases they will be the only source of information about their history and needs, and they should have access to an experienced interpreter who can support them through the process.
Similarly, placements will need to be informed by careful consideration of the child’s wishes and their support needs, including their cultural and social needs. UAS children are disproportionately placed in independent and semi-independent settings. In 2022, 69 per cent of UAS children aged 16-17 live in independent or semi-independent accommodation, compared to 27 per cent of non-UAS children. In some cases, this may be the best option, however it is important to consider the type of placements and accommodation UAS children are being placed in locally and the reasons for this, for example, are placements being made as a result of sufficiency challenges?
Providing support to navigate the immigration system and secure UAS children’s immigration status should be addressed in the care plan. If needed, the council must secure appropriate legal representation for the child, either through legal aid, or if no other source of appropriate legal representation exists, the council may have to pay for private legal services. It is important that planning for the young person’s future does not stop because of an uncertain immigration status, and social workers will have to plan for all asylum outcomes for those turning 18, known as ‘triple planning.’
Given the need for specialist support, it’s important to consider what local arrangements are in place to help UAS children settle into life in the UK and provide ongoing support. For example, how easily can UAS children access specialist mental health support services, specialist support groups or programmes to learn English? Do UAS children have adequate access to asylum services, and are children’s services facing any issues in securing legal support? How does your area support care leavers who have no recourse to public funds?
Under the Illegal Migration Act 2023, there will be a duty to remove most UAS children from the UK when they turn 18. When this comes into force, there is a risk that this will drive changing behaviours for example children going missing shortly before their eighteenth birthday to avoid removal. The LGA is working with the Government to ensure that these risks are fully understood and opportunities for mitigation identified.
Are we placing any children in unregistered settings?
Children in the care of the council should be living in regulated homes – whether that is by Ofsted, which will apply to the vast majority of placements, or the Care Quality Commission (the exception is where children are living with their parents under a care order).
Following a consultation in 2020, the Government has introduced a regulatory regime and national standards for supported accommodation for looked-after children and care leavers aged 16 and 17. This provision has previously been unregulated (that is, not subject to registration with or inspection by Ofsted), and has been of variable quality. The intention of the Government is to raise the standard of this provision to ensure high quality accommodation and support for all young people living in such homes.
All providers of this accommodation were required to have had an initial registration accepted by Ofsted by the end of October 2023, with full inspections by Ofsted expected to begin in April 2024. The Government has invested over £142 million to deliver the reforms, with a significant portion of this allocated to councils as new burdens funding in recognition of the increase in placement costs these reforms are likely to bring.
However, as a result of significant placement sufficiency challenges that are being felt in across the country, many councils report that they are still having to use unregistered placements for some children. Often these placements are emergency placements and where children have particularly complex or challenging needs, resulting in difficulties finding suitable registered provision. Where unregistered placements are made, providers should seek to register with Ofsted as soon as possible.
It’s important to consider how many children and young people are being placed in unregistered settings in the council area and why, and ask what progress local providers (including the council itself) are making in registering provision and upskilling staff with relevant qualifications.
How are we planning for the future and commissioning services?
If a council has children and young people being placed out of area inappropriately or in accommodation that doesn’t suit their needs, it will need to revisit its sufficiency strategy and revise plans and commissioning where possible to address this. The council will need a strong understanding of what its needs are now and into the future, which it can identify by looking at the data and feedback available, and analysing local and national trends. Councils can then use this information to better manage the local market, whether through recruiting and training more foster carers; evaluating the use of in-house and external provision; and working closely with independent providers.
Consider also the way in which services for looked-after children are commissioned; are services better commissioned at a local (how local?) or regional level? Would children and young people’s outcomes be improved if resources were pooled with partners for specific outcomes, such as early intervention or wellbeing, or support for children with complex mental health needs? Are young people involved at any point in commissioning processes, to make sure that services meet their needs?
If in-house provision is an issue, feedback from foster carers – both those that are still working for your authority, and those that have either stopped fostering or moved to an independent fostering agency (IFA) – will be important to find out whether things need to be improved to increase the number of in-house carers.
How well do we support our foster carers?
It’s vital that foster carers feel well supported so that they are able to provide the best possible care, and can foster for as long as they are able to. Recruiting and retaining enough high-quality foster carers is crucial to ensure that there’s an appropriate placement for every child that needs one, and prevent children being separated from siblings or placed a long way from family, friends and school.
Since 2021 there have been year-on-year net decreases in the number of foster carers, with almost all areas reporting shortages. The Fostering Network’s State of the Nation Report 2021 identified the following core issues that foster carers would choose to change to improve their ability to care for children:
- to be recognised and valued as experts who best know the children they care for, and be provided with proper financial support and resources
- to improve the process for dealing with allegations against foster
- for children to have better access to services and support to meet their educational, health, language and cultural needs.
These issues highlight the importance of making sure that foster carers are listened to and have access to the right kind of support when they need it. It is essential that wherever possible, foster carers are kept fully informed about children coming into and leaving their care, and up-to-date with planned changes. This allows them to provide the right support and ease transitions for their foster children.
For example, how effective is local information sharing with foster carers – what level of information is shared with foster carers during the matching process to support positive matches? How are foster carers involved in care plan reviews? Do all in-house carers have up-to-date training plans? Is there good support available if there’s a problem in the middle of the night? How much freedom are carers given to make decisions for their foster children?
Financial support can be an issue for any carer, but in particular there may be concerns around carers with young people in Staying Put arrangements. While they still receive fees and allowances, these are lower than for fostering placements, which can be problematic where fostering is a major source of income for the family, and may make it difficult for families to continue supporting a young person.
Your best source of information about whether your foster carers feel adequately supported is from foster carers themselves; feedback should be considered by the corporate parenting panel, who can then make recommendations for improvements.
How well do we support our kinship carers?
Councils are not corporate parents to most children in kinship arrangements – only for those living with family and friend foster carers. However, children in kinship care often have similar needs to those in local authority care, so councillors will want to consider how these children are supported to ensure that they can thrive with their extended families. Kinship care is where children who are unable to live with their parents are taken care of by a family member or family friend. Kinship care can take the form of informal arrangements, where a person is looking after a child but has not been granted parental responsibility through the courts. It can also take the form of formal arrangements, where a friend or family member gains parental responsibility for a child through a Child Arrangement Order or Special Guardianship Order. Family members can also become foster carers for children that are placed in the care of the local authority. Kinship foster carers receive the same training, pay and are monitored in the same way as other foster carers.
It is estimated that more than around 200,000 children in England and Wales are currently being brought up by kinship carers. Enabling children to stay within their family networks, wherever appropriate, has clear benefits as it allows them to maintain loving and relationships with family which they can retain throughout their lives. It is also associated with better outcomes for children than other non-parental care.
The Care Review found that we could be doing more to make better use of children’s family networks and improve support for kinship carers. While councils are not required to provide support to children and families who have informal kinship care arrangements (unless they are a Child in Need), it is important that all kinship carers have access to the services and support they need to provide children with loving and stable homes.
The Government’s social care reform implementation strategy described kinship care as a central pillar for improving support for families, and in December 2023 the government published the first national kinship care strategy.
It is important to find out what support is in place to support kinship carers in your council. For example, does your council offer family group conferencing to enable families to work through their difficulties and identify resources in the family network to support children? Do staff have training on the specific needs of kinship carers and how to support them? What does the wider support offer for kinship carers look like – do they have access to financial allowances, advice or peer support groups?