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Bridging hotels and homelessness for Afghan households research report

To monitor homelessness pressures caused by the closure of bridging hotels for Afghan nationals, in August 2023, an online survey was sent to 44 councils in England with bridging hotels in their area.

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Moving on from asylum accommodation: The impact and learning from councils on the asylum backlog clearance

We worked with the local government associations across the UK and Strategic Migration Partnerships to conduct an online survey of councils who have experienced impacts from the cessation of support for asylum seekers.

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Survey of Homelessness Presentations by Ukrainian Arrivals

This report presents the findings of a Local Government Association (LGA) survey of councils to obtain a snapshot of the number of new Ukrainian households presenting to homelessness services.

Resettling refugees - support after the first year COVER

Resettling refugees: support after the first year - a guide for local authorities

A guide for local authorities who are planning and developing their programme of support to resettled clients on the Vulnerable Person Resettlement Scheme that have been in the UK for more than a year.

Syran refugee resettlement: a guide for local authorities COVER

Syrian refugee resettlement: a guide for local authorities

A guide for all those in local authorities who have a role in leading, planning, delivering and continually seeking to improve services for resettled Syrian refugees.

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