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Organisational development

Addressing the workforce dimensions of organisational transformation to deliver people-centred and value for money services, using the best OD techniques.

The LGA Consultancy offers the following products and services to address the workforce dimension of organisation transformation.

OD diagnostic

The last few years have highlighted the challenges and opportunities presented by the need to design and deliver public services that meet the changing expectations of the public whilst making the best possible use of public money. Many smaller organisations, including councils, have achieved remarkable things but there is growing recognition that a reduction in strategic Human Resources (HR) and Organisational Development (OD) capacity is making it harder to continue to evolve the organisation and its workforce to meet those challenges and seize the opportunities. Building organisational confidence is crucial in organisational success.

Because of this, the LGA is delighted to have developed a new consultancy offer for smaller organisations which will support you in addressing current HR and OD challenges, make the most of opportunities to recruit, retain and enhance the performance of your workforce and deliver improvements in organisational culture and performance. This has been developed with two highly experienced senior HR/OD professionals with recent experience of working in local government both of whom will be part of our overall delivery team.

Our approach is to work with and support the existing HR team or people; we recognise that every council is different and our focus is on advising, coaching, sharing expertise to help you achieve specific outcomes rather than a single, inflexible intervention. We will bring creative thinking, help shape practical solutions and share knowledge of what has worked elsewhere so that you can decide on the changes that will best suit your organisation.

Our expertise and support is focused on five key areas of workforce related activity:

  • organisational design and transformation
  • modernising workforce, policies, procedures and practices
  • leadership
  • building HR capacity
  • pay and reward
  • diversity and inclusion and wellbeing.

Costs will depend on what you, as an organisation, would like the LGA to focus on. For more information on costs and time commitment, please contact [email protected].

DMA: Decision Making Accountability

The DMA is a re-organisational design tool which establishes two key fundamentals for an organisation:

  • the number of management layers needed, including the units within it, for an organisation to be as effective as possible
  • the decision rights in different layers that managers require to be empowered.

It is a proven way of creating an effective organisation and an efficient management structure.

The DMA approach has helped organisations save money, led to timely decision-making, clear responsibilities and empowerment of leadership roles. Employees are more productive, more agile, better at decision making, and more engaged.

This approach concentrates on how management layers add value to the front line and to each other. DMA can be used to look at a particular service area, a whole organisation, shared service, partnership or creating a new commercial structure.

Applying the levels to the roles in your organisation helps you test, refine, improve or redesign your management structures to be cheaper and more effective.

In cost terms alone, the LGA estimates the return on the initial investment will be at least 10 fold.

The DMA, as delivered by the LGA:

  • is flexible and can be applied before, during or following restructuring
  • it provides a new and lasting capability do develop an organisation
  • it creates management effectiveness
  • adopts a bottom-up approach, which works to ensure front-line managers are supported to deliver the best services to customers.

The following are the key stages of a typical DMA delivered by the LGA:

  • briefing and diagnostic
  • interview based analysis
  • training and toolkit
  • report, feedback and follow-up.

The LGA Workforce team are qualified to deliver the DMA approach and work in partnership with Stanton Marris. Through the partnership agreement with Stanton Marris, the LGA are able to offer this at less than half the price of private rates.

Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] for more information, or if you would like us to come and talk to you.