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Day 1
Alison Sansome, Vice Chair, Fire Standards Board
Tackling sexual harassment in the fire service – (Main Conference Room, Ground Floor)
Professor Anna Stec, Fire Chemistry and Toxicity, University of Central Lancashire
Luke Gazzard, Area Manager, Avon Fire and Rescue Service
Paul Phipps-Williams, Head of Regional Resilience, Department for Levelling up Housing and Communities
Becky Heginbotham-Blount, Partnership Manager, Suffolk Local Resilience Forum
Rowena Hill, Professor of Resilience, Emergencies and Disaster Science, Nottingham Trent University
Ben Brook, Chief Fire Officer, Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service
Plenary session 3. Efficiency and Productivity
Day 2
Phil Garrigan OBE, Chief Fire Officer, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service
Andrew Moore, Head of Operations Planning and Building Control, Health and Safety Executive