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The Transformation and Innovation Exchange (TIEx) self-assessment tool provides a comprehensive overview of your organisation's performance across the characteristics of a high functioning local authority, identifying areas to focus and to prioritise, with an extensive library of tailored resources to support you at every stage of you transformation journey.
Developed by the transformation sector, for the transformation sector, incorporating feedback to reflect the changing transformation landscape, the post-COVID-19 world we live in to make the tool more inclusive for those working across the entire transformation sector.
Some of the key improvements include:
- A new dashboard visually representing the users’ strengths and areas for improvement.
- A new downloadable report and action planning function to allow the user to reflect on progress, prioritise and focus resources.
- Improved benchmarking capabilities with a wider range of comparators beyond regional and council types.
- Updated resources library with over 450 of the latest transformation guidance, tools, training and resources.
- Aligned content and resources to the new Transformation Capability Framework.
- Opt-in functionality to be connected to others facing similar challenges and to share experiences with.
- Tailored LGA support – including training, workshops, events and the latest guidance automatically signposted to you.
TIEx provides a comprehensive overview of your organisation's performance across the critical success factors and characteristics of a high functioning local authority. The tool invites a response to a number of statements in areas identified as hallmarks of an effective council:
- role of the authority
- managing income
- managing expenditure
- use of data and intelligence
- use of digital and technology
- procurement and commissioning
- leadership and management
- organisational approach to change
- getting the best from staff.
TIEx can help councils identify your current capabilities and consider improvement opportunities and useful support. Assigning actions to individuals or teams can provide accountability and ensure they are delivered within the timescales agreed.
Councils are encouraged to use TIEx to suit your individual needs, which may include:
- Individual submissions to create your own action plans.
- Taking the assessment within your service delivery teams or wider council-wide transformation teams to provide a wider perspective.
- Starting the conversation and raising awareness of your transformation programme by encouraging senior management teams and elected members to undertake the assessment on behalf of the whole organisation.
- Using the findings to feed into the peer review process.
- Benchmarking yourselves to establish where you are on your transformation journeys and measure your performance against others.
- Connecting up with those working on similar projects, facing similar challenges.
- Receiving tailored LGA support and resources.
- Using the extensive standalone resources library (no sign in required) to access all the latest guidance, toolkits, training and shared documents from the sector.
Try the TIEx self-assessment tool
The self-assessment can be undertaken on a regular basis to measure performance and maturity and regular benchmarking opportunities, where the ‘official council’ submission will be recorded, will be communicated with the sector to facilitate this. Outside of benchmarking periods officers are encouraged to use the tool to suit their needs – TIEx in intended for multiple use within your organisation.
Whether you are a seasoned transformation practitioner or embarking on your first transformation project, the insights gleaned from this assessment will enable you to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively with your own dynamic action plan.
TIEx Transformation challenge reviews
DLUHC funded and delivered to you, free of charge, by external facilitators from Local Partnerships the Transformation challenge review is a set of workshops to help you to collaboratively agree your TIEx score, and to decide what you want to prioritise and focus your resources on.
The output of a transformation challenge review will be a prioritised action plan to help you to improve how you deliver and implement your transformation programmes. The review will also provide an opportunity for colleagues from across the organisation to come together to share ideas, forge relationships and collaborate.