We have looked at the interrelation between health and inclusive growth and why local councils and their partners might want to plan interventions to address these issues together. We have also looked at the policy context within which such interventions would be planned. Now we want to consider what such interventions might look like – the concepts and considerations involved in planning a project or programme of action. This section runs through a selection of these, drawing on the case studies in this collection and other sources. It also highlights some resources that local councils and their partners might find helpful.
These will be considered in the sections below. Appendix three of the report contains links to further useful guidance and commentary from PHE:
In such planning, it is always best to start from a detailed knowledge of what has gone from what has gone before – to learn from what other areas have done and from what they recommend others to do. Case studies, such as those presented in this document, are particularly helpful in this. Other sources of such case studies include:
The Government also invites local councils to trial new approaches, so it can be informative to research the outcomes of these trials. Our case study on Sheffield City Region is an example of this – a trial into whether the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model can be adapted for people with mild to moderate mental and/or physical health issues and for those in work struggling with health issues. Another example is the Childhood Obesity Trailblazer Programme, funded by the Government but run by the LGA. In this programme, interventions to tackle childhood obesity in five councils are being funded for three years. The LGA is keen to share learning from these five ‘trailblazers’ and have information and a contact email address on their website.
Even better is to interact directly with other local councils. This could be a standing arrangement between two councils, such as that between Manchester City Council and Islington. This arrangement has involved members and officers from Manchester peer reviewing Islington’s approach to securing social value through public procurement, and Manchester learning from Islington on using planning powers to provide affordable housing and workplaces. Or it could be through a wider network, such as the Inclusive and Sustainable Communities Knowledge Hub.
An understanding of what others are doing in other parts of the country will be very useful to local councils and their partners, as they seek to identify barriers to health and inclusive growth in their area, and develop interventions to tackle these.
Just as important is a thorough understanding of what the key players in this area are already doing in this space.
It is therefore vital to identify potential partners, reach out to them and engage with them in planning programmes of action. If there was one thing that our interviewees were most keen to impress on us, it was the importance of partnership working.
Many studies on this focus on ‘anchor institutions’. These are large organisations which are ‘anchored’ in a particular location and make a significant contribution to the local economy, through their spending and employment and services they provide. As well as local councils, they include universities and colleges, hospitals, housing organisations, airports, football clubs, religious institutions, power stations and factories. Two different approaches to identifying these were used by Birmingham and Leeds: Birmingham mapped them by identifying the organisations which exceeded particular thresholds on expenditure on good and services, number of employees and ownership of land and key assets. Leeds, on the other hand, set up the Leeds Anchors Network, initially made up predominantly of public sector bodies and Yorkshire Water, and then used a prospectus-style document as a tool to grow the network.
The resulting partnerships can result in a range of different projects. A famous example is Preston, where the council’s work with anchor institutions has, firstly, resulted in much more of their expenditure being retained locally and, secondly, helped its programme of support to worker-owned co-operatives (see below).
There are examples of such collaboration in our Oldham case study: Well North, Well Oldham and the Oldham Partnership. The Oldham Partnership is a striking example of a collaboration run according to the Co-operative Councils ethos: the Partnership has set out its shared vision for the area in the Oldham Plan; the council’s Corporate Plan then “outlines how the council contributes to the Oldham Plan”.
However, it must also be remembered that there are many teams working in a large local council. Some of them may already be running programmes which have health and/or inclusive economy dimensions. It is helpful to look for synergies between different programmes and ensure that they are coordinated. An example of this can be seen in our Wakefield case study, in the coordination and signposting between the Live Well Wakefield and STEP UP programmes. A Health In All Policies approach can help with this (see above).
Furthermore, in most parts of the country, there is more than one tier of local government. There may be upper-tier councils, district councils, city regions/combined councils and town/parish councils. Again, it is worth understanding what all of these are doing; partnership working between these authorities can result in imaginative new ventures.
In any matters to do with the local economy, the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has an important role to play. Outside Mayoral Combined Authorities, they are leading on the development of Local Industrial Strategies (LIS). Close links with the LEP and the content or development of the LIS could improve the effectiveness of any programme relating to economic inclusion. An example of a programme emerging from such a partnership is Digital Enterprise, a business support programme in the Leeds City Region. This is funded by a combination of the region’s LEP, nine local councils and the European Union. It provides small to medium size businesses with a range of support: free workshops, masterclasses, digital conferences and mentoring support and vouchers for connectivity and digital technology.
- close working between Prospects and the county council’s social care team, leaving care team, virtual schooling team and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) team
- data sharing arrangements with schools, colleges and job centres
- community drop-in sessions with advisors in job centres and leisure centres (which are run by the district councils)
- close working between Prospects and the district councils, including the skills forum in East Northamptonshire (which has, among its members, representatives of the district’s economic development team and local employers), youth training in Kettering and a sports project in Northampton
- involvement in the Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV), led by ‘navigators’ in the police force, and using housing, employment and so forth to divert young people from crime
- a scheme set up with local taxi companies to help young people get to places of work (such as industrial estates).
Use of evidence and data
Another key learning point from our case studies is the importance of using evidence to determine the most effective intervention. Perhaps the best example of this is Wakefield, where a close scrutiny of employment statistics revealed specific labour market issues. The authority designed the STEP pilot to tackle these, as explained in the case study.
Another take on this is that used by Suffolk. Here, Public Health Suffolk has contributed to Suffolk County Council’s policies and embedded a consideration of health and wellbeing into the council’s approach to inclusive growth. Evidence is collected on this and key data is presented in the ‘State of Suffolk Report’. This helps to engage partners and align interests across the health and economic development sectors.
Probably the most important source of evidence is the council’s partners themselves. This is good, local intelligence. This was used very successfully in our Basildon case study, where a combination of the Pathway Panel, local employers and local providers of skills training and similar support managed to identify a specific problem. A very specific solution was developed to tackle it, a town centre Advice Store.
For statistical comparisons with other parts of the country, there is a vast amount of data available, both commercially and for free. A particularly useful source of data in a public health context is PHE’s Fingertips database (with a helpful API tool for customised data retrieval). A digest of the data in this and many other sources is contained in the ‘data catalogue’ issued alongside PHE’s report Inclusive and sustainable economies: leaving no-one behind. Just to name a few others, the LGA’s LG Inform service provides a range of data and benchmarking information for local councils. Many other networks and membership organisations do likewise. Besides the well-known Indices of Multiple Deprivation, other indices on deprivation and prosperity are available – for example, the London Prosperity Board has created a five-part Prosperity Index, while Grant Thornton has developed a Vibrant Economy index. There are also commercial analyses of economic data available, such as the tools on sectoral strength and labour market information created by EMSI.
Similarly, when it comes to assessing the expected impact of various measures, there are many tools available. The movement towards seeking social value from services and procurement (enshrined in law since 2012 – see above) has led to a growth in determining the cost-benefit ratios and returns on investment from policy measures. Two particularly noteworthy examples of this are the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) model developed by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and the Social Value Engine developed by Rose Regeneration. Social Value UK has played a key role in supporting the development of such analysis, and in supporting social value more widely.
While these tools contain analysis of the impact of health policies, there are also many tools that relate purely to the impact of health interventions. Many of these are listed in Appendix three of Inclusive and sustainable economies: leaving no-one behind, including:
- Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT)
- Spend and Outcome Tool (SPOT);
- Health Economics Evidence Resources (HEER)
- Cost-effectiveness resources and ROI tools
- The World Health Organisation (WHO)’s Health Impact Assessment (HIA);
- The THRIVES Framework, designed by the Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering of University College London – this provides a structure for understanding healthy urban environments and helps key decision-makers from different sectors to reach a shared understand and make informed decisions.
Research into such interventions is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
Routes by which councils can create more inclusive local economies
Once a specific local need or barrier has been identified, it is important to remember that a local councils has many levers it can pull to achieve its aims. These include:
- the direct delivery of services
- the way in which services and goods are commissioned and procured
- its role as an employer
- setting up a local authority trading company
- its ownership of land or buildings
- its investment policies
- its planning and development policies
- its role in existing partnerships and in convening new ones.
The second of these is subject to the requirements of the Public Services Social Value Act 2012 (see above). However, social value can be applied more widely than to just the services commissioned by the council. For example, GMCA has developed a Social Value Framework for the use of organisations across the region, supported by a Social Value Network. This has an aim to “encourage organisations in every sector to seek relevant social, environmental and economic value from everything they do, including service delivery, commissioning and procurement”.
Preston has taken a similar approach. Its own spend as a district council is relatively small compared to other anchor institutions in the area. It therefore worked with them to identify their top 300 suppliers and shift their processes and practices around procurement. Consequently, in the four years from 2012/13 to 2016/17, they went from a position where only five per cent of this spend was retained in Preston and 39 per cent in Lancashire as a whole, to one where 18.2 per cent was spent in Preston and 79.2 per cent in Lancashire. This last figure equated to £489m. It was estimated that the increase in local spend supported 1,648 jobs in Preston and 4,500 around Lancashire.
Employment practices is another area where the Greater Manchester Combined Authority has identified a need for improvement and has driven change across the city region. Its Good Employment Charter was co-designed on tripartite basis – that is, working in partnership with businesses and trade unions. The Combined Authority and its constituent councils are now exploring embedding its principles in their procurement and investment policies.
Councils can use their investments to support local businesses and can even provide financial and related services themselves. An example of the former is Liverpool City Region’s Strategic Investment Fund (SIF). It is to be invested in projects such as ultra-fast broadband across the region, a smart ticketing system for public transport, a Town Centre Fund and a new generation of Mersey Ferries. Numerous authorities are now supporting local businesses through investing in peer-to-peer lenders and other crowdfunding. LGiU and Spacehive have produced a guide for local authorities on this. But perhaps one of the greatest range of innovations in this sphere is in Cambridgeshire. Here, the County Council’s pension fund invested £15m into shares in a local building society in 2017. Together with the University of Cambridge’s Trinity Hall College, it launched its own bank, the Cambridge and Counties Bank, in 2012, to provide banking services, including deposit accounts and loans, to small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs). And Cambridge City Council has created its own lettings agency, Townhall Lettings. Preston has also made some progress in providing financial services, as explained below.
Buildings owned by a council can be used in a variety of ways to support the prosperity and wellbeing of the local population. International House in Lambeth is a former council office which the council has repurposed as an affordable co-working space for new and growing businesses, social enterprises and charities.
One floor of the block is dedicated to not-for-profit and community organisations who are not charged rent. It was the first building in the UK to be recognised as a Living Wage Building, meaning that all tenants are obliged to pay their tenants at least the London Living Wage. It was also the sixth affordable workspace for small and growing businesses to be opened as part of a council programme called Lambeth Works, which was highly commended in the Enterprising Britain Awards 2018. Another of them is the Health Foundry, which is located opposite St Thomas’ Hospital and was set up by Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Foundation. This provides a supportive environment for digital health start-ups.
Other levers can be used by local councils for similar purposes. Islington uses the Section 106 process and its planning powers to provide affordable workspaces and associated social value, while Manchester uses Local Labour Agreements in its planning processes to help connect local workers to employment opportunities in construction.
Designing interventions
Once a council and its partners have an idea for improving health and economic inclusion, there are many issues that need to be considered in planning a programme of action. We now consider some of these.
Financing the programme
A programme of interventions will need to be financed. Given the tight constraints on most local councils budgets, this will often mean a need for external funding. Three grants specifically intended for economic development are the Levelling Up Fund described above, the Towns Fund and the Community Renewal Fund. However, it is worth local councils being imaginative, looking for funding that is specific to the intervention and discussing funding with their partner organisations – both current and potential. It is also worth monitoring funding pilots, as discussed above, and funding announced in the main fiscal events (Budgets and Spending Reviews).
For example, Birmingham City Council’s successful bid for the Childhood Obesity Trailblazer Programme contained a scheme for deprived areas of the city, where obesity rates are highest, to offer young people apprenticeships focused on health, food, nutrition and physical activity. It was also to create a local metric for consumer habits called the ‘Birmingham Basket’ to measure impact and inform policymaking.
These principles can also be seen in our Bicester case study – the town became the UK’s first Garden Town and also one of the demonstrator sites for the NHS’s Healthy New Towns (HNT) programme.
Once one source of funding is secured, it can sometimes be used to lever in further funding.
It is also worth looking for funding that does not come from grants or public expenditure, especially in the long-term. This includes crowdfunding/community funding and also looking for the commercial potential in projects. Our Oldham case study contains both of these. Community crowdfunding was used by the Oldham Food Network. Commercial income is or could be derived from a range of sources, including a green energy company, the sale of produce from several of the outputs and toolkits developed for the Northern Roots project. Indeed, the council is determined that in the long term the Northern Roots project will be commercially self-sustaining. Commercial funding also plays a role in our Basildon case study, from advertising and from payments by providers in the Advice Store.
Evaluation, learning and data sharing
It is important to plan the evaluation process out thoroughly before the programme commences. To quote from the LGA’s recent report Building more inclusive economies, “The inclusive growth agenda is a long-term effort – and strategies will have multiple iterations. Interventions and policies need to be effectively evaluated so that they can be improved, with lessons learnt from what was successful and what was less successful”.
If there are metrics for evaluating success (and Building more inclusive economies notes that it is usually best to include quantitative analysis as well as qualitative evidence such as case studies), then it is important to establish a baseline. This can only be measured before the project or programme commences – one of the reasons that careful planning is needed.
Another issue that needs to be planned out at the start is data sharing between organisations. Appropriate data sharing can improve evaluation, but this requires the necessary data protection arrangements to be in place. Indeed, this point goes wider than evaluation, as data sharing can hugely improve the overall effectiveness of the project.
There is often a role for local universities in evaluation and related planning. In Bicester, several universities were involved in the overall evaluation. In Oldham, evaluation of the Northern Roots project is done in partnership with Salford University. And Sheffield City Region worked with a researcher from Sheffield University on designing the Working Win project.
As noted in the Bicester case study, it can be helpful to incorporate some form of ‘rapid cycle’ approach into the evaluation (alongside an evaluation across the lifetime of the project), so that adjustments can be made to the project as it proceeds.
Finally, it’s worth remarking that for some projects, data can be provided digitally by the programme’s participants, as is the case for mountain bikers in Oldham’s Northern Roots project.
Other considerations
As these programmes are often so cross-cutting, involving teams from across the authority (and beyond), it is important to get buy-in from the whole organisation. Enthusiastic support and preferably leadership from the most senior leaders and officers can help considerably. Equally, it can help to have the programme, or at least the principles underlying it, written into corporate strategies.
It is just as important to get buy-in from the public, particularly the participants in the programme – and where possible, their active engagement and contribution. While it may be obvious that good consultation is not just about telling the public about what is planned, the best consultation is not simply a matter of asking the public’s opinion, then going away and putting it into practice. It involves engaging in dialogue with citizens and providing meaningful feedback at each stage. This means, for example, reporting back with a checklist of what the public asked for and showing how the council or partnership has fulfilled this.
When someone has participated in a programme, they can be invited to pass on that experience to others. An example of this can be seen in our Kent case study, where many participants in Live Well Kent went on to run groups themselves or take up mentoring or caring roles.
Given the Government’s renewal of the Devolution Deal programme (as flagged up in the Prime Minister’s levelling up speech – see above), this could potentially be used to devolve new powers and funding to local councils. This could help with particular interventions, in keeping with the LGA’s message of Build Back Local.
Finally, it is important for those planning interventions to consider holistically all the possible barriers to engagement. One common issue is lack of transport, particularly in rural areas, which can prevent people accessing services and social relationships and taking up employment that is attached to a particular location. As mentioned above, in Northamptonshire, there is a scheme which provides taxis to help young people get to places of work, such as industrial estates, for which there are no public transport links.
There are also ‘wheels to work’ schemes in several parts of the country, offering those who do not have other transport options the option of hiring a moped, bicycle or electric bike. Something similar can be seen in our Wakefield case study. Digital exclusion can be a similar barrier. There are many schemes across the country to help people learn digital skills and understand the benefits of digital technologies, including the award-winning 100 per cent Digital Leeds.
Common themes and concepts
We close the introduction by running through some common themes and phrases from our case studies and highlighting relevant examples of these from across England.
Helping people into work
Most inclusive economy projects involve this in some way or another, but the variation in these projects is vast.
Some are services which match job seekers with employer’s vacancies. Perhaps an archetypal example of this is Hackney Works. This in-house service links connects residents who are unemployed, underemployed, or in low paid employment, and 16-24 year olds not in education, employment or training, with employment opportunities provided by local businesses. These include work experience, training and pre-employment schemes, as well as full-time jobs, including in the creative sector. Between 2016 and 2019, it provided employment support to more than 4,500 residents, with 2,275 supported into jobs and over 1,132 into training.
Such an idea is far from new. These principles lay behind the system of Labour Exchanges introduced by the Labour Exchanges Act 1909, which was in turn significantly influenced by William Beveridge’s studies of their operation in Germany. However, local councils are able to use their local knowledge and smaller geographical coverage to provide services which are much more creative, supportive and tailored to the specific needs of their local labour market.
Such a service is also at the core of STEP UP, as described in our Wakefield case study. Wakefield provides a truly bespoke service, looking very carefully into the barriers to work for each participant.
This focus on the needs of an individual lies at the heart of the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model. This might sound like a buzz phrase, but it will only work if careful attention is paid to each of the three words in this acronym: it is about placing individuals – usually with severe mental health issues – into work, treating them as individuals and giving them all the support they need to make this transition. This requires intensive work and consequently support workers’ caseloads are usually very low. Our case study on Sheffield City Region covers a trial of this model for a different cohort.
Another way of promoting inclusive economic growth is by supporting small businesses and a culture of entrepreneurialism.
There are many ways in which this can be done.
For example, the South and Vale Business Support team at the South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils provides support to those who wish to start up a business or improve their business’s productivity. Its series of week-long, free, pop-up business schools to support start-ups in four towns resulted in more than a third of participants starting a business at the end of each week and won the team the IED Impact Award in 2019.
Leeds Digital Enterprise provides a range of business support around digital technology as described above, while Wandsworth provides start-up loans, supported by 12 months of free one-to-one mentoring from experienced business professionals. Between 2012 and 2019, £468 million was provided in nearly 61,000 loans, helping to back 28 businesses per day.
We have already described how Lambeth and Islington provide business support through providing workspaces. Lambeth also provides signposting to business support organisations, such as Tree Shepherd and Business Launchpad.
Fostering entrepreneurialism is part of another Lambeth programme called Lambeth Made. This programme is described by Co-operative Councils as “a shared commitment to make Lambeth one of the best places in the world for children and young people to grow up. It seeks to put Lambeth children at the heart of collective thinking, planning and action in the borough, with the aim of improving the lives and futures of all children and young people”. It is partly based on the concept in Leeds of a Child-Friendly City, but it is given a Lambeth flavour – a focus on a symbiotic relationship between local businesses and young people, leading to them growing their talents and fulfilling their potential and to greater community cohesion. It aims to improve outcomes in four areas:
- confidence, self-esteem, mental well-being and ‘pride’ in young people
- community and business-led activities providing a positive impact for children and young people
- employment, education and training opportunities for young people
- resilient communities working to reduce serious youth violence.
Measures to promote the first of these include, for example, free boxing and basketball sessions for young people at risk.
Recently there has been a particular focus on the work with businesses. For example, twelve schools have been given the opportunity for their students to run micro-social enterprises, and a partnership with LDN Apprenticeships will see 100 apprenticeships offered to young people. There is also a set of annual awards to recognise the achievements of apprentices and the contribution of employers and organisations to young people in the borough.
Lambeth Council is focusing on how to measure outcomes and on fitting the system to the participants, taking into account their personal perspectives (for example, considering the perspectives of children from particular ethnic and cultural backgrounds).
We have also already seen how Preston City Council has worked with anchor institutions to ensure their procurement supports local businesses. Another part of this ‘Preston Model’ is the creation of the Preston Co-operative Development Network (PCDN). This Community Benefit Society provides funding and support for the development of worker-owned co-operatives in the city and surrounding areas. This support includes advice, consultancy and training for those interested in starting a co-operative business or converting an existing business to a co-operative model and help to access financing, suppliers, markets and customers. The Council has also set up a credit union and is exploring the creation of a community bank with neighbouring councils, with a particular focus on lending to small businesses.
'No Wrong Door' and 'Make Every Contact Count'
Again, these sound like buzz phrases, but if diligently applied, these closely related concepts can make a huge difference. They both relate to situations where an organisation or partnership has many points of contact with the public. No Wrong Door means that if a member of the public requires a particular service, they are referred smooth and efficiently to that service, regardless of which point of contact they use. Make Every Contact Count (MECC) is about giving staff the training and resources needed to engage in conversation with service users about the full range of their needs and make appropriate referrals.
Public Health England, NHS England and Health Education England have an agreed definition of MECC in relation to conversations and referrals regarding healthy behaviours and helping people to look after their physical and mental health and wellbeing. These concepts are applied in our Bicester, Kent and Wakefield case studies.
Social prescribing
Another commonly used phrase in services to improve health is social prescribing. The Social Prescribing Network defines it as follows:
“Social Prescribing is a means of enabling GPs and other frontline healthcare professionals to refer patients to a link worker - to provide them with a face to face conversation during which they can learn about the possibilities and design their own personalised solutions, i.e. ‘co-produce’ their ‘social prescription’- so that people with social, emotional or practical needs are empowered to find solutions which will improve their health and wellbeing, often using services provided by the voluntary and community sector. It is an innovative and growing movement, with the potential to reduce the financial burden on the NHS and particularly on primary care.”
Social prescription differs from traditional prescription in terms of what is prescribed: activities, lifestyle changes and support, rather than medication. However, to operate most effectively, it is also important that practitioners consider the way in which this prescription is done. All parties involved in the process need to work together cooperatively and efficiently, to engage with patients empathetically and co-design solutions with them. It must be remembered that taking up a new activity or making a lifestyle change may seem daunting. The traditional doctor-patient relationship, in which the practitioner tells the patient authoritatively what the patient needs to do, is unlikely to be the most effective approach; the patient being diplomatically and supportively invited to consider a change is more likely to result in positive engagement.
Live Well Wakefield is based on social prescribing principles and has won a Social Prescribing Network Award, as described in our Wakefield case study. Social prescribing also forms part of Bicester’s Health New Towns programme and is provided in the Basildon Advice Store by Essex County Council’s Essex Lifestyle Service. Further case studies can be found in the LGA’s case studies Just What The Doctor Ordered.
Locating related services in the same building or complex can help to provide a more seamless set of services to the public. It can make the service user’s journey through them much smoother and can help the providers to work more collaboratively and in a more interconnected way. This is the principle behind the success of the Basildon Advice Store. One example of this is that in some areas JobCentre Plus has relocated into a local council-run building such as a library or civic centre. While co-location will not automatically join up the services, it can be very helpful in facilitating this.