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Don't be left in the dark: Devolution questions answered

This guide provides answers to some of the key questions about devolution and what it means for councils, their residents and communities.

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Learning from English devolution deals

Learning from English devolution deals

Drawing on the experience of the devolution deals agreed since November 2014 – and Greater Manchester’s experience in particular – the research has found four major themes critical to the success of a distinctively English form of devolution.

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Get in on the Act Housing and Planning Act 2016

Housing and Planning Act 2016 (Get in on the Act)

The legislation completed its passage through Parliament on 11 May 2016 and received Royal Assent on 12 May 2016.

Transforming Care (Must Knows)

Use your leadership role to ensure that this issue remains an urgent priority for your council and your local partners.

View allMental health articles
View all Councillor development articles

The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Standard authorisation – your rights 

This summary of your rights was developed in spring 2016 by a small project group representing ADASS, NHS England, representatives of care providers, the LGA, and the Ministry of Justice

Preliminary findings from the LGA Housing Commission

Our housing crisis demands action now. Spiralling house prices are forcing difficult choices on families, distorting places and hampering growth.

View allHousing and planning articles

Integration: delivering better outcomes for citizens and communities; the 2016/17 Care and Health Improvement (CHIP) offer

Integration is no easy task. It is not an answer in itself, nor is it a panacea for the system’s financial challenges.

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What next for devolution

What next for devolution?

A green paper to encourage local debate and generate wider scrutiny of the whole devolution process.

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Care and Health Improvement Programme annual report 2015/16

CHIP is the Local Government Association's (LGA) Care and Health Improvement Programme

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English Devolution: Learning lessons from international models of sub-national governance

Key points of learning for those faced with strategic choices regarding devolved governance arrangements.

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