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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Creative Health at Birmingham City Council Public Health: Public Health Researchers in Residence

Health inequalities are continuing to rise, and a response from Birmingham City Council Public Health to alleviate this burden, is to explore and promote different models of service redesign that improve quality and experience of health for all our citizens.

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Bring it on Brum!

The Birmingham Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme, known as ‘Bring it on Brum!’, is designed to address the ‘holiday experience gap’ for children and young people from low-income households.

Life Hacks

Life Hacks is an award-winning Young Persons Social Prescription service led by Active Luton, the council’s health and wellbeing partnership.

Using a SportPlus approach to improve support and outcomes for young people in or at risk of entering the Youth Justice System

The £5 million Ministry of Justice programme (2022) used sport to enhance positive outcomes for vulnerable young people in the context of youth crime.

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Girls Can: Social Prescribing and Active Menopause

Empowering women of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and abilities to be active in ways right for them through our local campaign, LLR Girls Can (Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Girls Can).

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Calderdale: Tackling social isolation and promoting wellbeing

The Staying Well programme was commissioned to tackle loneliness and promote wellbeing. Three community anchor organisations that run the scheme have developed bespoke approaches to engage men which involves a photography-themed walking group, a reminiscing group for older BME residents and a Men’s Sheds project.

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East Sussex: Energising local groups and people to address mental health

A community development fund was set up to develop new schemes and strengthening existing ones. It was a three-year project which then launched to create a movement among local men and empower them to engage others in their health and wellbeing. Public-facing staff in places such as barbers, cafes and tattoo shops have been given mental first aid training.

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Gateshead: Getting men to shed the pounds through football

The council is funding places on a healthy lifestyle football-based programme for overweight men, with around 90 per cent of those that take part loosing weight during the 10-week course. The initiative is being used as a stepping stone to get men into other activities as well as providing wider support.

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Islington: Improving the mental health of young black men

The London borough has launched a programme to improve the mental health of young black men. The three-year project involves work in schools, community outreach as well as training for frontline staff such as police. Barbers have also been given training to support their clients and refer into support services

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Melton: Taking health checks out to farmers

Melton Borough Council in Leicestershire has funded a local farming support service to run health checks at a livestock market. Physical health checks are offered alongside support for mental health twice a month and more than 500 farmers have taken up the option in the past year.

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